Friday, April 30, 2021

Roller Skating Rink!

Cecily's first time!
Levi and I went around the rink between all the little girls several times hunched over. 

The Bell family gave us a gift card for the roller skating rink and we decided to invite some friends along with us!
It was SO FUN. They have a homeschooling time on Fridays from 2-4 so it worked out perfectly. We will be back. Such a great workout. 

Crash! The kids loved chasing Levi and Bella around and finally caught him. 

Too much fun for Cecily she fell asleep.


Cabella - she wore us out she loved it!

Jeremy Goodsell and Nephi

Coraline enjoyed riding like this around the rink. 
Sister Goodsell with the little girls showing her new baby goats and also letting Levi and I skate alone. 

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