Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Day!

We stayed home on Christmas day and just enjoyed.  

Clairana drew this on my present from Levi. I got a pressure cooker. 

Nephi has taken so much to Harry Potter and he can be found listening with his headphones on or reading the illustrated novels all the time and I am so thankful. 

Was the Night Before Christmas 

Christmas Morning! With Levi loading the fire (haha) 

Cora and Bella discussing all the magic. 

Morning Baby Bear! 

The girls got little C necklaces in their stockings. 

Levi made Clairana a Flower Press that has an engravement of a tree with a heart on the trunk on one side and a flower on the other - it was a surprise to all of us and its beautiful. I need to take more pictures of it - its amazing. 

Putting all the things together!

New doll with a Jeep!


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