Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Holiday Joy!

Grandpa Rick came by to drop off presents - it was a real treat to be able to see him. He ended up with Covid last month but is fully recovered. This was his first time in our house this year. 
The kids got a fancy dart board! 

Puzzle Time! 

Levi's stepmother made the girls blankets for Christmas. 

Cabella Lou! Levi taught her how to do these stickers with letters books and she is in love with them. 


Monday, December 28, 2020

Clairana's Art


Christmas Eve

Every year we go to mom and Randy's house for ham and hard rolls. 
For the past couple of years, we bring crab rangoon which is a fun appetizer. 
This year we were able to celebrate with the Wallace family but most years they are in Florida. 
Thanks to Madi and Emily I got some pictures for the blog. 
My brother Tanner didn't come due to Covid but everyone else came to celebrate. 

Eden & Cecily! 
Cousin Twins - Round 3 (youngest ones)

Reagan & Cabella - Cousin Twins Round 2

Ensley & Coraline 
Twin Cousins Round 1

It is a little crazy but so great and it makes the evening so fun. 

Making 5,000 plates for all the little people! 

I ordered a coloring tablecloth and it worked out great. Gives everyone something extra to do while sitting at the table. 
Gift Time! 
My brother Nick always passes the gifts out and it used to always be my Aunt Charlotte who passed away several years ago. He makes it meaningful every year and holds up her tradition so well. 
Levi always sits in the back and throws balls of wrapping paper at everyone. 
Yep that's my husband the out law. 

Aunt Angie with the girls - she went from working a 12 hour shift at the hospital (she is a respiratory therapist) to coming straight to mom's house. 


Cousin Madi and Cecily!

Aunt Carrine (Dustin's wife) reading a book before dinner. 

Uncle Nick and Aunt Emily with Eden, Ensley, and Coraline

Levi with Elliot - Elliot is such a sweet little guy. He is Dustin's youngest. 

 Cousin Madi & Clairana

If you want to know how I am at family get togethers.....

Christmas Day!

We stayed home on Christmas day and just enjoyed.  

Clairana drew this on my present from Levi. I got a pressure cooker. 

Nephi has taken so much to Harry Potter and he can be found listening with his headphones on or reading the illustrated novels all the time and I am so thankful. 

Was the Night Before Christmas 

Christmas Morning! With Levi loading the fire (haha) 

Cora and Bella discussing all the magic. 

Morning Baby Bear! 

The girls got little C necklaces in their stockings. 

Levi made Clairana a Flower Press that has an engravement of a tree with a heart on the trunk on one side and a flower on the other - it was a surprise to all of us and its beautiful. I need to take more pictures of it - its amazing. 

Putting all the things together!

New doll with a Jeep!


Another Year with Elfie

Elfie left the kids matching pajamas and candy canes on Christmas Eve Eve. 

His little note said he would bring a friend with him next year....We shall see..

Every year he makes a mess in flour to say Goodbye. 


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Mom's Night Out - Ripple & Co.

I planned a mom's night out for our homeschooling mamas and Levi made it extra special by reserving the 2nd floor for all of us to spread out and enjoy. 
We had such a great time and shut down the place. I missed a few of my favorites so hopefully once Covid settles down we can do it again. 


Saturday, December 26, 2020


I lost my diamond while we were splitting wood awhile ago and Levi got my ring fixed for Christmas.  I love it!


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Time!

Presents from Uncle Jack and Aunt Rene!


Clairana got a loom and has already finished her first scarf! 
We stayed up to midnight one night in my bed while Levi fell asleep learning. 
Nephi got Harry Potter legos which he LOVES. 
Little three girls got workbooks, art supplies, and puzzles that we put together last night.
So Fun! 



Baking with Grandma! & Grandpa visit too! 
Mom directed and we ran around the kitchen enjoying all the goodies. 

Levi has been working for weeks on making these stairs for my mom. 
With the hope that if she falls again she will be able to get over to these and lift herself up which would make it easier for Randy to pull her to her feet. 
I am thankful for him and his crafty woodworking skills. 


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

Sister Missionaries


Missionary Calls via Zoom. The sisters showed us around Temple Square in Salt Lake City and all the beautiful Christmas lights. At the end they asked if they could take our picture so here we are - ps we are loving our Christmas pjs. 

They can't currently show anyone around because of the virus so they started inviting anyone to join them online which was a pretty neat idea.

Our call was at 8:00 to work out with their time schedule so by the time it ended the two little girls were not up for a photo. 

Around the House.

I don't know if its because its Christmas time or that my baby is becoming more independent/easier every day or because Levi gets to be home more now but 
I am loving my littles and I wish time would stop for just a little while. 

Popcorn from Jack and Rene made a perfect movie night - lately we have switched from watching movies upstairs to our bed which seems cozier. 

Nephi was reading to me as I folded laundry today and I snuck this picture and secretly laughed to myself - how many kids learn to read while laying in their parent's bed all snuggled up..?

New Puzzles and Games.