Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bee Sting.

Last Saturday night Levi and I were hurrying to put kids to bed so we could do a mite treatment on the bees before dark. They get this treatment twice a year and when you start you must do it at the same time for three weeks. 

Of course we jumped on the 4 wheeler with all our things after putting everyone to bed.

Needless to say I am very thankful that Jack and Jane and their company did not notice the naked lady running around in the field. 

I started to feel a bee crawling on my neck so I asked Levi to help me but he was also covered in bees around his suit. Come to find out that was not the only bee in my suit and I had a hole in my suit where my throat was.... 
I was then stung once in the forehead which I thought was the end but with bees when one stings you they let out a pheromone that lets others know to sting. 
I removed 8 stingers from my face/head. I was exhausted for a few days but not sick. 
Once the venom left my body I felt so much better but the swelling just went down completely today. 

Lesson Learned. Double check my suit as I normally always do and don't try and mess with the hives at night time. 

Pictures of Clairana and Nephi with their one eyes (both from awhile back)

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