Friday, May 29, 2020

New Slide/Candling/Fermenting

Over the holiday weekend, Levi had to work but he did have his intern sit on the job-site on Saturday morning for a couple hours so we could do some farm chores around here. 
After the little chores I needed him to help me with were done we got the tractor out and hung up this slide. We had been looking for a way to make a slide but with the length it was going to be super expensive like $1200 from the store... 
It is AMAZING and we are working on making it a little safer at the top before friends come over  and moving the fire pit now but until then we all have been playing on it. 

Projects are SO much easier with a tractor. 

Avocado and Potty Training Life 

Nephi has been interested in my fermenting hobbies lately so he kept asking to hold the scoby when we did another batch of kombucha this week. 

Rhubread - it was really good. Nuts and Rhubarb.

These two have become best buds. They wrestle and laugh all the time which just cracks me up. 

 I was thinking about buying large potatoe bags for them to slide in. 

We candled our eggs! AMAZING! It was SO neat we saw four little embryos. We will do it again in about a week. 

Triplets - Goats

Last year, Spring was still a pretty rough time to have farm babies so I decided to wait longer this year to breed our goats. It worked out perfectly. The weather was beautiful and it means we have to worry less and do less work when little ones come. Also, with the pandemic lately we needed a surprise blessing to give us a distraction from the outside world.

Calcium (mama goat) is well known as my favorite one on the farm. Levi got her and Rue for my Christmas present six years ago. I was nervous about her this year so I was giving her extra minerals and vitamins and she just seemed to be having a harder time being pregnant. 
I thought maybe she was getting too old and maybe I should not breed her again. 
I told Levi if she has a doeling, I am keeping her this year just in case it is her last. 



We have never had triplets on the farm and she has actually ONLY had singletons so after all these years for her to have triplets was a shock. She always has one buckling and he is always big. 
She actually ended up with one buckling and two does. 
Clairana saw the twins be born and ran to tell me and by the time I got there Nephi saw the third. 
We were all in shock. 

Rue is due on Clairana's birthday (she has had twins previously) so we will see how many littles we end up with this year! 

Birth is so awesome. 

Levi's Work Life

Levi's work schedule has been slightly out of control lately so today he was only having one crew on his job site so I took the kids to drop him off lunch and peak into the restaurant. 
The second floor is in and has a beautiful balcony sitting area that overlooks Main street which is going to have such a neat feel. 

We are all excited to see this project come to life. It seems like every week so much changes. 
The building is fully bricked and enclosed now. 

Our house is very used to this type of lifestyle and it is interesting to hear the kids talk about Levi's work the older they get. They fully understand what to expect when a new project is happening but it is really neat for them to actually get to drive around town and see what Levi has built. 

It is always funny when we show up to a job site and everyone is amazed that we are Levi's family. 
I don't know if it is just because we have five children or if he is just so grouchy at work that people are amazed he can be a husband/dad too......

Bella heading down to the first floor. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020


These two have been coming up with all ways to use our rhubarb plant this year. 
Blackberry & Rhubarb pie was a hit. 

Now onto Rhubarb bread today. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Making a Trail

Family Home Evening we did our scripture lesson then we headed out to trim trees on our new path and Levi cut the log that goes over the creek so it would be easier for all of us. 

It works perfectly! 

Coraline & Cecily - The ones that always end up in our bed. 
With of course matching pajamas because Coraline lays them out for her every night to make sure they match.
Coraline & Cecily


It is amazing to me how many doctors and scientist can bring out different views and they immediately get deleted from the internet. 

Even if you are PRO Vaccination or ANTI Vaccination or ANTI Medicine or even FOR Holistic Medicine that research can be so quickly gone but..... 

We buy filters. Talk to our kids. Monitor All Screens. And Still.
It is still out there. Crazy. Dumb. Sad.

Creek Life

Farm/Tea Time Life

Fancy devotional snack. 

I hope they remember all the tea and read aloud time we have. I love it so much. 


I really like this visual. 

Attempting to get a picture of us all with our new shirts!

Watching Dr. Pol while I make dinner. 

We are enjoying incubator life right now! 
We put in 18 eggs so we will see in 21 days how many we get! 

We just finished this one - it was a good read that linked race and entrepreneurship in children. Lots of math problems so it was a different read which we enjoyed.
Although I will be excited for something a little heavier for our next bookclub book. 


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...