Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Brown County - Short Family Trip

Levi found this perfect gem of a place. 
He needed a few days away so of course we were all so excited to hear him announce 
he booked us a trip. One of the great benefits of homeschooling, we loaded up and spent the first part of this week on vacation. The Abe Martin Lodge is like a mini Great Wolf Lodge inside a beautiful state park. We swam, ate at the buffet (which was actually good), arcade, ping pong, road scooters around the park, and climbed the fire tower.

We will try to go back again before everyone breaks for the summer because I imagine it gets pretty busy. When Levi booked they said its a buy one night get another free this week. AWESOME. 

It would be super fun to go with other families and get a cabin or two. 

Some action shots Levi took.......
Cecily wanted us to let her go so bad. 

Of course - Perfect Photo.
Clairana - guilty just busted Coraline in the head. Coraline about to lose it.
Bella oblivious to anything. Nephi looking at the camera. Cecily trying to pull his hair. 

 Clairana wanted to go exploring the whole time. She was amazed by the steep hills and trails.
Nephi and Bella 

Levi took the olders up on the tower. He did say it was really shaky and actually kinda scary but they had fun. 

Clairana's drawing on the way home. 

Aunt Woody Visit!

Levi and I had planned a day out to ourselves a few weeks ago and 
Aunt Woody was going to come tend everyone at our house. 

Levi's job has gotten really hectic so he had to cancel on our date but I asked Woody if she minded if I still used the time to be by myself. 
She of course had already planned her day with the kids and was hoping I wouldn't cancel. 

It was GREAT. 
I left everyone after breakfast and Woody brought them donuts and chocolate milk so they barely noticed I left. 

I went shopping for new clothes by myself which I desperately needed. Plus, I needed to figure out my size after Cecily so after several trips to the dressing room I managed to find a few things. 

Then Levi called and said he could meet me for a little while before he headed to another meeting.

We headed down to Indianapolis to the temple. I have not been inside the temple for longer than I would like to admit. Leaving new little ones is always hard and especially when nursing. 

It was long overdue to have a wonderful date with Levi. 
We actually sealed my grandparents together for time in all eternity. 

In the temple, we get to be proxies for the dead and perform marriage sealings and baptisms.
Mostly, you dress in all white and say marriage vows over an alter in front of a priesthood member. 

We believe that the individuals on the other side of the veil then have the choice to accept or decline the performed ordinance. 
In order to take names to the temple, you must have genealogy information.

Levi had to race back to work afterwards and I headed back to the littles. 
I am so thankful for time away and a break in our normal weekly routine, especially in the winter. 

Each temple has the words "Holiness to the Lord" above the door
the same as the Old Testament Temple of Solomon. Most temples are facing east, the direction from which Jesus Christ is prophesied to return. 

I was so sad this one didn't turn out but I had to post it because look how happy! 

Family Home Evening - Feeding Fish

For our FHE activity (weekly activity we have as a family with a scripture/lesson) this week we bought a bag of fish food at the farm store and trespassed over to 
Mamaw and Papaw's pond to feed the fish. 
At first not one fish but then after we gave up and loaded into the gator they came out so of course we all ran back out to feed them more. 

Ms. Bella dressed for loads of snow. King of the Rock.
She climbed up by herself and then asked to have her picture taken.

Friday, February 21, 2020


This is what Sundays look like when we get home from church. 

Clairana - leaves me these messages at night time while I am making my tea.....

(I should note all the tea they have is actually herbal tea that is really good for them .... sshhh don't tell them)

Levi's grandparents gifted us a date night at Olive Garden but after not using it for awhile we decided to go on a date with the whole crew.
They did amazing although I will say Levi and I have become a pretty good team when it comes to eating out with little people.

Also, there is probably only a handful of us left that don't actually let our children have screens while waiting for food.
We are teaching them how to People Watch. 

Winter has been easy on us this year!

This little bike has been used by all the girls. 

How beautiful are these two....Even in Christmas PJs ...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Levi's Current Project

This is the rendering for Levi's current project he is working on in downtown Lafayette. 
It should be completed late this summer. 

CC Life

Caught a picture of Clairana in her art lesson. 

Coraline's Class

Boys in Clairana's Class

Eat Her Up. 

Bella had a pretty hard hit in her class so she came to join us and did great!
I am going to be moving her up to the Abecedarian class next year with Coraline which I will be teaching again. 

Vincent van Gogh 

This is Cecily every week as we load up. 

Relief Society Activity

I have a new calling at church it is the Relief Society Activity Leader. Meaning,I host monthly and quarterly activities for the woman in the church. 

This was our first activity - Friendshipping Activity 

It was similar to speed dating but with sisters! 
We sat at different tables with bouquets of questions and then after a few minutes, I would ring a bell and they would rotate depending on their name tag color. 

The weather was not the best, I was nervous about the turn out but it turned out great. 

Fruit Cups and Heart Shaped Cookies

I also played two rounds of Minute to Win It Games. How many candy hearts can you stack on a Popsicle stick in one minute. I made sugar scrub for the two winners.
Minute to Win It Game!

Valentine Day

Everyone got a balloon, book, candy, and I also printed off hearts that had scriptures about love for our morning devotional.  
I got Levi this egg maker which everyone found fascinating and it makes perfect hard boiled eggs even with our fresh eggs.
Dash Rapid Egg Cooker

Llama Llama I Love You


Then we loaded up and headed to Indianapolis for dentist appointments. 

CORALINE - We thought she was nervous but she really was just too busy watching the movie to remember to open her mouth. 

Cabella's First 'Official' Time. 

I LOVE that they can all go at the same time and they each had at least two dentist working on them. They are SO spoiled when we go and we always have the whole place to ourselves. 

Then afterwards we drove to the Indianapolis LDS Temple. Levi got to go in and do a sealing for a couple who had passed away. Children are not allowed into the temple (until they are 12) so I stayed in the car with everyone. I was so glad he got to go and have spiritual time alone. The kids of course did amazing while waiting - the temple is so beautiful that just walking around and admiring the building is exciting.