Friday, April 19, 2019

Uncle Josh & Cousins!

Divorce is hard on the whole family. 

Levi's sister and her husband got a divorce last year and it has been hard for our kids to adjust. Mostly, because it is just strange to have their Uncle stop by with the boys without their Aunt or vice versa. 

Although I have had several divorces on my side - the kids have not been around to experience it until now. 
I can't imagine the conversations you have to have when you are the ones who get the divorce. 
Levi and I struggled to just tell the kids about their Aunt and Uncle and answer all the questions.

It was very nice for the kids to get to visit with their cousins. Their boys are older so I am grateful when they want to come over and play with their younger cousins. 

Uncle Josh with Cecily

COUSINS from Levi's side. Minus one little man who lives in Arizona.
Levi is the middle child of two sisters - these are his older sister's boys. 

Jeriko with his slightly obnoxious Aunt.
Sometimes, this guy can be a hard one to make happy but we had a great visit and he is growing up quickly.   

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