Monday, April 15, 2019

Cecily's Blessing Day

Cecily was given her blessing yesterday by Levi.
We were very blessed to have family come to church with us. 
Church is always funnier with family and especially cousins!

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints children are blessed when they are born and are not baptized until the age of accountability which is 8 or older. 
A blessing is performed by a priesthood holder which in our case is Levi and he ask other priesthood holders to join in a circle of prayer to bestow a blessing on her for this life. 

In Levi's blessing he asked Heavenly Father to bless her with the following.

Healthy and Clear Mind
Beautiful Body
Competitive in things that matter to her
Strength to form her own testimony of the gospel
Be an example to her brother and sisters
Find a Loving Companion and be sealed in the temple for time in all eternity

Then after the blessing he raises her up for everyone to see her and welcome her.

She was happy the whole time! Levi is always nervous that they will cry during their blessing.

Wardrobe Change Mid Church - I always change them out of their dresses because frankly the lacey dresses can't be that comfortable. 

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