Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Classical Conversations Last Week!

Ms. Denae and Millie subbing for Clairana's class on the last week of CC.
Learning about rocks. 

Music Time!

Ms. Candace who manages the CC groups in the area holding Cecily. 

Bella and Coraline with Elenor 

We were blessed to have several family members come to the End of Year Celebration. 
I spent half the evening hanging out with Cecily and Bella in the hall but honestly I had heard all the presentations so I was happy to let Levi sit in and listen. 
With all the thank you it was rather long but it was nice to hear what all the kids had worked on all year. 
Our End of Year Celebration! 

Part of the Timeline Song that the kids performed.
Do you know all these events? 
Clairana's Class

Nephi's Class

Some of the Art Work from the Year.....

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