Friday, June 23, 2017

Lake Havasu Goodbyes

Ms. Rach and Nephi (the cutest crush - he then proceeded to carry her out of McDonalds....) 

Natalie (Rach's mom) she has such an amazing testimony of the gospel and is such a great example. I will miss our late playdates and complaining about the Havasu heat while being pregnant. 

Nephi's Primary Teacher asked us to meet for Frozen Yogurt one last time before we left. Sister Elliot.

More Goodbyes - The Murray Family - Ellie and Emma So Sweet! Their dad is the Principal at the local Elementary School and their mom Katie was our Primary President at Church - who I was the Secretary under. 

This one was hard.....The Barker Family. We miss them greatly. They dropped by with cinnamon rolls and trashy cereal for the trip....Laura said she wanted to make sure the Evans' kids remembered being able to eat junk cereal at her house whenever. 

Bye Lake Havasu
Barker Family

The start of the trip with me and the littles following Levi.
Clairana's Primary Teacher - Sister Jones. Clairana has always been my hardest to leave on Sundays but Sister Jones was AMAZING with her. Super Sweet Lady who I ended up visiting monthly.

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