Friday, June 23, 2017

Clairana Turns SEVEN!!

Clairana turned SEVEN just days after we got to Indiana - we had a cookie and milk party! 
Thanks to everyone who came it was a last minute deal but she had an amazing turn out and Grandpa Gobel came by with balloons and candy which was a special surprise. 

Color - Purple and Pink
Thing to Do - Swimming and Horseback Riding
Toy - Horses
Food - Mamaw's Macaroni and Cheese and Milk
Animal - Horse

What do you want to be when you grow up - Artist or Cowgirl or Astronaut 
Excited for more birthdays and more farm animals and snow

Uncle Nick with Ensley and Coraline


They had been planning what to wear for her party for days - I of course gave in. Mermaid and Iron Man
(can we also note that Iron Man was from two years ago so Levi called him Iron cheeks because it was so tight)

Cabella Lou

Uncle Greg and Aunt Woody - They gave Clairana an Easel which she was VERY excited - she loves to craft and draw!

Books from Bubbe - Reni always does a great job of supporting my homeschooling and getting our kids great books.

Aunt Woody and Bella Lou

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