Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Broken Thumb....One Week Before the Move

Trying to settle in before surgery
One week before the move Coraline was with me in the Primary room at church and she fell off the podium and broke her thumb. She needed surgery because the break was 'major' they said. Levi took her to the hospital at the crack of dawn for surgery.

Being LDS ALWAYS has extra benefits. The church encourages education - always. We have several very well educated friends which can come in handy. Especially, when your child has an accident at church.

By the time, I told Levi what happened we had five doctors huddled around us outside our Bishop's office looking at her hand.
Our amazing anesthesiologist who made sure it went smoothly. He was in surgery the next morning and asked the hand surgeon to fit us in and gave all our info to him.

Eric Sisam and his little family made a night house call with ice-cream for the kids and coke for me late Sunday night (also Mother's Day)

Peterson Family - Marc was in the surgery room to assist with her surgery - he is an anesthesiologist and nurse as well.
He also came over with his family afterwards to make sure she was healing properly and his wife brought us dinner. 

Tiny One. Made it.

My mom sent Coraline a gift after her surgery. It was a huge hit. 


We got the cast off yesterday and pins pulled (uuukkk) - it doesn't look as good as we would have hoped but we will x-ray  again in six weeks.

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