Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tyson Bell is Coming Soon!!

We made our first four hour trek to Clarkdale for Ashli & Tyrone's baby shower!
We got to lots of family and the growing belly!

Tyson will be here in a few weeks!!
I am SO excited to see this new journey for Ashli & Tyrone! 

Levi's Aunts - Tammi & Carolyn
Nephi and Clairana kept asking if Tammi was MiMi (Levi's mom) it was pretty sweet.
Tammi has 7 children and  16 (I think) grandkids.
They are such an amazing family with lots of crazies!

I failed at a selfie - I should really get one of those selfie sticks. 

Tyrone's parents who threw the party - his mother is so sweet - as soon as we walked in she gave me this great big hug and was very excited we made the trip.

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