Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Classes have Started

We are now going to Ballet classes on Monday nights and Swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays. 
We were thinking about putting Nephi in a sport in addition to swimming but for now the only thing available is karate which is three nights a week (a little too much commitment for our family.)

I will take pictures of swimming soon. 
It is by far the best place we have ever taken lessons - kinda scary but they do actual make the kids swim and learn surviving techniques. 

Ballet Outfit

On the first day of class, we realized that we actually met the instructor at church the day before - score!
She used to work as a ballerina in Disney cool is that!? 

Working on getting up on her toes like a fairy.

Clairana is one of the oldest girls but it is definitely at her level.
I think this will really benefit her in learning to listen closely and slow down....unlike soccer or gymnastics. 

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