Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Jeep

Levi LOVES his Jeep as do Clairana & Nephi. 
Me....Not So Much - Especially not while Pregnant
We have started a nice routine around here - I take Coraline to the grocery store and Levi takes the other two out for a trip in the desert. 

Jeep Life with Nephi


Since being in Arizona life has settled down with not as many play-dates and to-do list...
I have really been focusing on how I want  to homeschool. 
We have implemented a few things which I am VERY pleased with. Learning how to teach continues to be a challenge but I can see progress which is so rewarding.

The weather is in the low 70s here most days with a breeze. 
We make sure to spend time outside and enjoy the sunshine. 
Although Levi and I talk about how scared we are for how hot it will be in a few months!

Things To Do Chart:

I searched LOTS and LOTS of Chore Charts, Homeschooling Charts, etc. Until I came up with my own.
I wanted to do part school with part chores for each day. Also, I wanted them to know a sense of accomplishment and see their results.....Ala the Things To Do Chart
I do not care when during they day these things get done (within reason) and must be done before Levi gets home.

Devotional - I read to them daily a scripture story and they answer three - five questions
Memory Box - Learning Memorization - Daily/Odd Even/Weekly/Monthly
Make Bed
Math Lesson
- Currently using Saxon K daily lessons
Reading Lesson - We are currently using 'Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons' and will be done by May at which point we have a list of 20 books to accomplish over the summer.
(Clairana mostly but Nephi has picked up on lots and now wants his own book to start)
Dress ThemselvesPledge of Allegiance
Brush Teeth

After they have completed something they get to turn it over.
Once all have been completed they can choose to watch a show or make a treat. 
At this time, we will be doing this routine at least 3-4 days a week.
I do not want to overwhelm them for several reasons - play is important, exercise and sunshine is important, socialization is important.
Tuesdays we play with other homeschooled kids at the lake/park for most of the day.
Nephi and Clair are doing great at using their scooters at the skate park!
Wednesday - Craft and StoryTime at the Library
Swim Lessons and Ballet Lessons as well as Church

I am going to homeschool year round while we are here - mostly because it provides structure for our whole house and then when we have visitors or a new addition I won't have to worry about missing lessons.

Our LAST Box to Unpack......Ukkkk
I have looked in this box more than a dozen times and shut it... 

Trampoline Time in the Front Yard

Morning Huddle

Nephi's Pick - Science Project

Building Shapes with Marshmallows and Straws

Difference between a Rectangle and Pyramid with holding weight
Time & Calendar - Math

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Classes have Started

We are now going to Ballet classes on Monday nights and Swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays. 
We were thinking about putting Nephi in a sport in addition to swimming but for now the only thing available is karate which is three nights a week (a little too much commitment for our family.)

I will take pictures of swimming soon. 
It is by far the best place we have ever taken lessons - kinda scary but they do actual make the kids swim and learn surviving techniques. 

Ballet Outfit

On the first day of class, we realized that we actually met the instructor at church the day before - score!
She used to work as a ballerina in Disney cool is that!? 

Working on getting up on her toes like a fairy.

Clairana is one of the oldest girls but it is definitely at her level.
I think this will really benefit her in learning to listen closely and slow down....unlike soccer or gymnastics. 

Monday, January 18, 2016


Special Delivery! 
 We ended up with lots of surprises after our cookie run a few days ago. 
We had two different neighbors bring us loads of oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. 
We are juicing it up around here ....and making really sticky floors. 

See the Size of the Grapefruit on Clairana's head!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Balloon Fest - Part TWO

We went out again early this morning to see the full balloon launch - mass ascending at 7:30. It was pretty awesome to be so close.

We also decided to get up even earlier and hit up the donut shop - not as good as Mary Lou's though....


The other large festival they have here is the Balloon Fest which is hundreds of hot air balloons that launch off together on the island. 
It also has lots of festival things and the kids got to ride on the Ferris Wheel.

PS We met lots of boat dealers that do daily rentals (wink wink) if anyone wants to come hang out on the lake with us!!

View from across the island - they also do a night launch which looks really neat!


"Mom - Take Our Picture Cora is Hugging Us!!"

Friday, January 15, 2016

London Bridge Renaissance Faire

One of Two Festivals in Lake Havasu City is the London Bridge Renaissance Faire 
(the actual real London Bridge is here)
They have lots of vendors and amazing foods as well as jousting, live combat, fighting, archery, horses - and lots of people dressed in costume.
London Bridge

Blow Up Houses 

CORN MAZE - best one EVER
Mostly because we could see them over the top and it was pretty funny!
Nephi got out and then went back to show Clairana the way.

Live Music

HUGE Rocking Horse

Our Little Actress