Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Woodland Family

Last week, we were supposed to meet friends at the park for their last time to play before they moved out of the state....
Levi called and said he would not be able to bring us home the car because his meeting ran over.
So, after being sad I decided to load up the kids and hike there.
So we did....
Hiked up our property to the road and then down to Happy Hollow.
Besides a few crazy drivers and lots of spiders we did it!

My phone must have been dirty because these pictures are all foggy! Bummer. 
The Woodland family has three children who match our ages perfectly. 
They are moving to Michigan after their dad just got his PhD from Purdue.
They are originally from Hawaii. 

Sent this picture to Levi that said LOOK WHAT WE DID! We made it to the Park!
He said he was pretty proud of my ambition. You can't see Coraline but she was on my from in the KTan.
Note to self she is pretty heavy to carry long distances now!

Nephi with his friend MaeLee
We will all miss this sweet family! 

All the Kids!

Coraline with Kei 

Woodland Family - We will Miss You!!

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Shirts - BE

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