Wednesday, September 2, 2015


When Ashli and Tyrone came to visit they brought along a little surprise!
So, Levi & I had a surprise for them too!

After our complications with Coraline, we got to know the ultrasonographer, Meagan, really well last year. Anyways, she has a place called Baby Bliss which allows families to find out the sex of the baby in the cutest way and earlier than the doctor's office in 4D! 
Her lights even turn blue or pink when she tells everyone.

So we surprised them and treated them to a date night including Baby Bliss and Hour Time. 
It was so special. 

After you find out she has a photo-booth with lots of signs that we had to try out! 

The lights turned BLUE! 

Baby Bell Coming Soon!

We are SO EXCITED for them to experience this new adventure!

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