Monday, September 21, 2015

Coraline's Birthday Party

Thanks to my cousin, Madi, for taking pictures! 
MTW photography!

We had S'mores, Hotdogs, Apple Cider and a little Birthday Cake. 

Coraline Rundown:
Nursing at Night/Naptime (our longest nurser yet - she is not ready to wean...hopefully soon)
LOVES her mama
Wakes up in the middle of the night yelling at us 
(her dad really loves being yelled at ...around 3 am)
Does not like to cuddle or lay on your chest
LOVES food - everything
No pacifier ever for this one 
Pulling herself up
Says Mama, Dadda, and whatever Guuuhh is...
Loves Animals...a little too much at times
Enjoys hats - headbands not so much but we are working on it
Enjoys wagon rides but the BOB not so much


Grandma & Coraline

Of Course Grandpa Rick got a huge stuffed bear

Levi's dad, Pappy, with Coraline - Thanks Reni for the picture!

Life with THREE

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