Sunday, July 14, 2024

Professor Branestawn - Book Club

The Doty family hosted book club in their new home! 
Everyone had a great time playing funny games and eating pancakes. 

Professor Branestawn was a book I happened to pick up at a sale that looked super fun for a summer read aloud. 
Poor Mrs. Flittersnoop! It's not easy being Professor Branestawm's housekeeper. People may say he's a genius, but all his inventions always make life more complicated, alarming, and extraordinary that it was before. Bottle of cough mixture turns out to be an elixir that makes all the wastepaper in the bin come to life....and much more funny stories. 

 We played the knot game and tried to unwind everyone. 

 The littlest ones gave up and I played ring around the rosy with them.


 Then in the book the professor wears five glasses while drinking tea so the kids had a glasses competition. 

 Andon joined us again! Alyssa snuck a selfie with him! So cute!

 Biggest girls with the littlest girls - plus Cecily


 Too much. 

 Chef Mitchell



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