Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cabella is SEVEN!

We had such a fun and busy day today! Cabella turned SEVEN. First we woke up early to presents and headed to have donuts at Mary Lou's. Then we raced back home to load the dogs up for their fair show! We had family and friends show up to support which is always fun to catch up. 

Afterwards, the Wallace and Ashby crew met us at the waterpark! It was such a good time and nice to have so many people with buddies. I barely saw any of the four olders. 

 Presents Poolside!

 Cards and Poster Size Cards

 Drawing from Clairana

 Clothes from grandparents

 Coraline got her a stuffed rabbit in a basket.

 Cecily was so excited to see all the presents. 

 She got her own purple Alexa. 


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