Sunday, July 16, 2023

4H Dog Show!


Nephi - Reserve Champion in Obedience
Reserve Champion in Rally (Obstacles)
3rd place in Showmanship (Zion was slow at this point as well) 

Clairana - Grand Champion in Obedience
Grand Champion in Rally (Obstacles)
Fifth place in Showmanship (Zara was far over it and was not up to running)

Bella got these amazing glasses from the Wallace family. 

 Tired. Waiting on Showmanship

Levi's parents came to watch the show on both Friday night and Saturday.

 Stan and Angie looking chipper! Levi getting hangry. 

 Cecily loving on Zara


 Friday night - Rally!

 Coraline and Papaw

 Aunt Pam and Mamaw came on Friday night too!

 Mom & Randy

 They got to stay in the house on Friday to not get dirty for the Saturday show. They got pretty cozy. 

 Blow drying them off!

We all hope to not brush them for at least a month! Such a great new experience and I think we are all amazed at how much they learned. 
 Zara was sound asleep snoring after her bath on the deck.


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