Monday, July 31, 2023

Read Alouds

The kids and I have been trying to squeeze in short read alouds before the new school year starts. 

This one was SO good. We all loved it and watched the movie last night as a family. 

 Always a sweet classic. My girlfriend was talking about it one night so we went and pulled it back out to reread for mostly the little girls. I am at the point now where we seem to be rereading to make sure we get some of the good ones in for everyone. 

 Such a fun read! It was mathematic, mechanical, and magical. 


Kreed Turns TWO

Saturday morning, Levi headed off early to work and we went over to the Ashby house to celebrate the baby of the family! Kreed is TWO! It is just crazy how fast time goes.


Friday, July 28, 2023

Book Club!

Alyssa hosted book club this month in her new fancy house! It was a great time and it was so nice to see their house now that they have had time to bring it to life with all their things. 

We read A Place to Hang the Moon and made moons from clay and had all the treats they talked about in the book. 

The novel follows the English siblings William, Edmund, and Anna Pearce after the death of their grandmother in 1940. They are evacuated from London for safety and to search for a new guardian. Historical fiction WWII


Pie Eating/Greased Watermelon/More Fair

It is not the end of fair without certain traditions!

Pie eating contest - Cecily, Bella, and Clairana signed up this year. 

Nephi and Coraline were alternates because their age level was full before we made it to sign up. 

No winners but they all had a good time. Cecily thought she won for a moment because the Queen came over to give her a trophy but I had to tell her it was another little girl. Then of course she was all sorts of tears. 

Clairana got messier than she had in years past determined to get second but when you are against ages 13-17 the competition is rough. 

They all had a great time. 

Everyone except Cecily was in the greased watermelon contest. Clairana and Nephi were asked to join the Extension Office team this year. Coraline and Cabella were on the mini 4Hers team. 

Went to watch friends in the clogging event. 

Late Late Night but Loads of Fun. 

 We worked the beef tent again but didn't get any pictures - Anne took this one of me.

 Free food after we worked! 

 Tractor time with Charles while we waited on the clogging event.

 So precious.

Sister clogging together!

Bella and Cecily waiting for their name to be called 

 Cecily is in the middle and can barely see over the table. Bella is beside her in the bandana.

 Clairana is on the end! 

 Making shirts for the watermelon contest!

 Corn dog.

 They brought a cow into the contest!

 Clairana and Nephi's team waiting.

 Nephi on the course!



Wednesday, July 26, 2023


We worked the concession stand again this year for our 4H club. The kids all love it and the adults love that we don't have to do any other fundraisers during the year. Plus, they feed us afterwards which is fun. 
We worked with the Miller and Neulieb family.

Afterwards, I took the kids to get balloon animals and their face painted. 

Another day we went to the fair to watch the dairy cow show. No Guernseys but we did see lots of Jersey and Brown Swiss.

Mitchell family fun!

We came one night to watch the Maddie at the horse show.