Saturday, November 5, 2022

Trick or Treating

We went to our church's trunk or treat one night and then kept with our tradition of meeting at the Wallace house to walk around their subdivision and hang out afterwards with them. 
All my cousins were there which made it even better. 
Tori of course made us all laugh and told us all about her adventures, Madi played music and sang, Abbi well she is always the one that the kids recognize the most and she dressed up as Eeyore. 


 We had our number six borrowed baby tag along with us for the night. We collected her candy for her college student parents to eat. She is just the best.

The kids were a mixture of things and Cecily barely had time for a photo once she figured this holiday out. 
 As we were getting ready to head out, I said to Lee -  I think we just ended up dressed as wanna be college students drunks at a game. Ooh well. It worked. 


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