Friday, November 25, 2022


 How cute our these two with their sparkling grape juice!

 Cecily unfortunately wasn't feeling up to it. Honestly, we didn't eat very well so her blood sugar was super low. She is fine today and woke up asking when the party was going to start because she slept through most of it last night.

We had a slightly smaller crowd this year for Thanksgiving. It was a great time as always and all my siblings were together which was extra special. Dustin and his crew even surprised us and showed up. 

Uncle Nick being rowdy with the kids.

Uncle Tanner (super thrilled) dressing up.

All the boys.

Baby Brother Tanner

The only picture I got of Emily and Carrine. 
Little People!

 C and I tried a new recipe from Mel's Kitchen (her recipes are always amazing but a labor of love.) 

I ran to the store to get some last-minute things and Clairana called to tell me the bread was overflowing! 
We had ducks this year instead of turkey. It was good but not worth all the effort. 

The boys started the morning hunting, thankfully they didn't get anything because we were all already beat from butchering. 

 We put the extra duck parts in the field and have been watching two eagles for a couple days now. It is amazing. 


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