Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Dissecting Worms!

I combined all the children together to teach about WORMS and then we dissected them. 
Levi even surprised us and came along to help. 

 Art Time.


 Snuggling Cecily in the Afternoon Class

 Kickball with Nathan.

Everyone was given an alive buddy worm and a dead dissecting worm. Seemed to help with little hands. 

In my true teaching fashion, we started with being loud and singing a ridiculous song about worms. I was attempting to wear out the littles before the oldest group joined us and started dissecting.

At the end I of course told them they had to eat worms and passed out gummy worms. 

Mom's Night Out

We have been trying to have mom's night out for co-op and we ended up going to The Spinning Axe which is an ax throwing place downtown. We had a great time and ended at an overly loud restaurant for a treat afterwards. Hopefully, next time we can have a few more mamas join us it seems to be super difficult to arrange schedules. 

We did ALL complain...then we saw this sign on the way out and had to take a picture.

 Because I can never be normal.


 Scary Moves.




Tuesday, November 29, 2022


We loaded up early Saturday morning to take Clairana and Nephi to their drama auditions!
This will be our first year in drama, but we are all excited and nervous. They will perform in the Spring.


Monday, November 28, 2022

Clairana - Practicing YW

Clairana practicing with some of the young women from church. They are performing at our Christmas brunch. I love the group of girls she gets to be with at church twice a week.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Primary Program!

The yearly Primary Program at church was a great success! Clairana outgrew the program last year and this was Nephi's last year. This year we studied the Old Testament and they all spoke about their favorite prophets of old. 

Each child came up with a short talk and then they sang songs about the Old Testament. 

Here are their parts - 

Cecily - I can pray for my family and rainbows. 

Cabella- I can follow Christ by setting a good example and reading scriptures each night with my family.

Coraline - I can be like the prophet Noah who lived long ago, by choosing the right and being obedient to the Lord. Noah tried to tell the people to repent and make good choices, but they did not listen to him. I can make good choices and encourage my siblings and friends to do the same.  

Nephi – My favorite scripture hero from the Old Testament is Daniel. Daniel was a young man born of royal descent. He was taken captive to Babylon and was given the name Belteshazzar. Daniel had a special gift of interpreting dreams. He rose to leadership positions within Babylon. Daniel had to make hard decisions and always chose God. He was extremely brave. He was brave when he refused to partake of the King’s food and wine. He was brave when he still chose to pray to God and was thrown in the lion’s den. We should all try to be brave like Daniel. 

Cecily's teacher Brother Jensen is the best. 


Friday, November 25, 2022


 Lydia and I showed up to Choir Practice matching!

 Kevin Asay took Cecily for the Sunday service which was super nice to sit in the pew without her crazy self. 

 One has glasses for real and one does not.

Does not. 

 Clairana doing homework with Tatum.


Book club - Tuck Everlasting

 The kids made swords out of random material they found outside. 

Hannah did a sweet little play with the littlest bookclubbers.

We had flapjacks just like the book!

 Such a great read. Short but full of similes and deep thoughts. 
Would you drink the water and live forever? 

We mad origami frogs to go along with the book. 

Ten-year-old Winifred "Winnie" Foster, who lives at the edge of the village of Treegap, decides to run away from her overbearing family. That evening, a man in a yellow suit approaches the Foster home, looking for information. Winnie, the man, and Winnie's grandmother hear a music box playing in the wood near the Fosters' house.

The next morning, Winnie explores the wood. While the Fosters own the wood, they never enter it. She sees a young man, Jesse Tuck, drink from a small spring. When she asks his age, he first says he's 104 years old, then changes his answer to seventeen. Winnie wants to drink from the spring, but Jesse stops her. When she mentions her father, Jesse becomes scared she will tell him about the spring. Jesse's mother Mae and brother Miles arrive. They seize Winnie, taking her to their home and pleading with her not to be scared. On the road, they pass the man in the yellow suit.

The Tucks explain that 87 years ago, they had passed through the wood while looking for land to farm. They drank from the spring. After twenty years, the Tucks realized they were not aging. Miles's wife left him, taking their son and daughter. Forced to leave their farm, the Tucks returned in the direction of Treegap. After seeing that the clearing around the spring had not changed in twenty years, the Tucks realized that the spring had made them immortal.