Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Homeschooling Update

 We decided to switch our homeschooling path this upcoming year. 
We will no longer be part of the Classical Conversations coop in Lafayette.
 I won't go into detail of why here but if anyone would like to know Levi and I would be happy to discuss. 

We will be homeschooling with another group of families - some the same and some new. 
It has taken most of my free time this summer but it has been working out perfectly. 
I needed the push to move towards this direction and it is happening. 

Gather & Learn

28 weeks 
One day together and the rest of the week learning at home.

 August - April


Creating a homeschooling coop that is run by giving everyone a job and not any financial commitment besides basic supplies. Parents have to commit to being part of the journey. 
If they can't they cannot be part of the group.

Every parent has a job and we all work together to teach our children together - once a week. 

Knowing everything in the homeschooling world can be overwhelming and I feel not the best approach to teaching - this is set up that one parent can teach one subject every week for the year and if they are not comfortable one of the more confident moms can encourage/guide. 

Making this less stressful for the parent at home and the parent can become an expert in one area of their interest which in return shines to the children.

We will be using Claritas Publishing which is a 4 year cycle curriculum.

Pledge, Prayer, Announcements......

Memory Work 
Claritas Publishing 
(Hymn, Scripture, Latin, Science, History, Timeline, English Grammar, Math, Geography)

Art/ 5 Canons of Rhetoric - Presentations 
(switch every other week)

Science - Biology 
(will rotate yearly Biology, Astronomy/Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics)

Lunch/Play Time

Fundamental Grammar Claritas 

Greek & Latin Roots

Institute for Excellence in Writing 
Ancient History

I wanted to make sure and keep our numbers manageable the first year so I made the community solely on invitation only. Also, I know these mothers personally and their commitment. 

We will have five families (13 school age children and 3 nursery age children)

One of the mamas even made shirts for all of us to match for the new adventure!

Part of Institute for Excellence training to teach is a set of nine long classes. 
We jumped in over the summer to get a head start - three of us have already taken the classes but we all decided we will do it together for review and encouragement. 

Planning on my bed in between folding laundry and children request. 

Fair Workers!

We got the opportunity to volunteer to work at the fair to raise money for our 4H club. 
We all signed up to work and the kids LOVED it. They worked from 1-4. 
They got to actually work and take orders and they also gave them free food and a SODA! 
All were very sheepish in telling me about their drink.
I wasn't able to stay the whole time because of Cecily so her and I saw the fair for several hours over and over again. Bella worked for a little while but then headed on a date with my mom and Randy for her birthday tradition which is wonderful. 

It was such an awesome experience for them - I remember wanting to work a real job but being bummed in having to wait and this was a great way to let them shine years before they are really able to.

Nephi taking orders!

He made his way from the back fixing food to the front which was where he told us he wanted to try and do. 

Coraline and Levi did about everything - Coraline washed dishes and made hoagie sandwiches. Everyone was pretty smitten by her and how she would go up and ask "What can I do to help?" 

Levi and C working in the freezer. C did lots of tasks as well. 

N & C ended up in the front with their great friend Hannah taking orders. 

4H is so much work but I am starting to fall in love with it all. 
It is such a great group of wholesome kids and I want my kids around those type of children. 



Visit to see Grandma! 

My mom decided last week she needed to mark something off her bucket list. 
Ambulance Ride.
She decided that is not for her and she doesn't like to be hustled around by strangers.

She is home now and I took the girls to go visit and bring her and Randy dinner. 
The girls even made her little pictures and put on matching dresses for the occasion.
We are all glad she is doing better and very thankful that Randy is able to be home with mom this year instead of returning to teach at school. 


Smith Family Day

 After fair we spent a day at the waterpark in Lebanon with the Smith family which ended up being a free day for all concession food and entry. 

We let the kids go up by themselves and order whatever they would like ( 1 each ) and they all thought that was pretty grown up.

It was pretty neat and I would recommend it over our local place in Lafayette. 

The park that was connected was great and we will have to go back to just play at the park. 

Afterwards, we went home to rest and then headed to their house to watch a new kid movie and eat brisket. Such a fun and relaxing night after such a busy week. 

Friday, July 23, 2021


The stands were full of love for us and it was so nice and so early in the morning. 
Seems we didn't know how it would go we spent lots of time waiting but everyone stayed with us and it was so much help and comfort. We will know better next year to send out a message that morning when we hear when they will show. 

Fair was amazing and exhausting!
We had so much love from so many friends and family. 
We saw all the animals, ate all the food, pie eating contest, greased watermelon contest, learned and grew LOTS, who knows what else.....BUT we will do it again next year with FOUR 4hers. 
Cecily will be the only pit crew next year! 

Maddie and Nephi in the stands - Dale family came to watch the goats before the horse show. Maddie took home the official horse and pony buckle! That is a HUGE deal! 

Wallace family came to see us!

One night we walked around with the Askeroth family to see all the animals. 

Ashby girls walked around with us one night too. 

Emma and Claire with Clairana 


Pappy came and stayed the day with us! Hanging out with a sore butt on the bleachers. With crazy little people too!

Pretty much sums up the waiting line to show - wrestling a goat and trying to smile! 

Levi holding Nephi while I was with C with Starburst. We learned early on that if he could not see her he would jump his pen without any trouble. So when C went up to show Levi would have to take Eclipse to watch. 

Heading In! 

Nephi got 1st place!

Clairana got 3rd place!

Washing and Shaving before we left. We have learned so much this year!

FIRST Night! Pen Set Up

On our Way to Check In! 
This pretty much sums up our emotions. 

Our homeschooling friends won champion in the rabbit barn. 

Levi and I surprised the kids with belt buckles before they showed. 

Clairana with Starburst - mid jump.



Military trucks at the Fair. 
1st time in the rink! Ekkk! 

Nephi Showing Eclipse


 We got crazy and signed up for the pie eating contest at fair - even Levi was the fun dad and joined in! 

No one from our family got a trophy but our friends from church little lady won for Bella and Coraline's age level. It was SUPER fun and entertaining and slightly gross. Levi says he won't be eating chocolate cream pie for a long time. 

France Park with Besties!

 We have been doing an adventure club since summer began where we head out with a group of other families and plan an adventure every other week. 

We will switch to once a month when school starts back up but it has been a great way to see all the places that are semi close to us that maybe I wouldn't venture to alone. 

We went to France Park. It seemed crazy to go during fair week but we did it and it was really nice to have a change of pace from fair and enjoy hiking. We stayed for hours exploring and ended with lunch and messy times at the waterfall. 

My phone was out of memory so Anne thankfully took all these pictures. 

Our group is a set of six mamas and 22 kids.

This week only Anne and I could come with busy summer vacations (11 total littles/bigs) loved just having time with her so it was perfect. 

Coraline playing in the lake

Lilly pads with flowers!

Nephi climbing trees. 

Lyla and Bella with me pushing a sleeping Cecily - can you believe it she actually slept. 
Bella found lots of shells.

We may have been slightly lost in this photo. 

Clairana and Claire. They are one day apart in age. 
How Sweet. 

Lyla and Bella

Farm Call

I was called by our sweet friends down the road to see if I had any advice on their mama that was in labor but the babies (what we thought w...