Tuesday, March 9, 2021


My recent bookclub book that I finished. The value of paying attention to old books. 
Perfect timing for right now. 

                     Buddy & Benji 

We snuck over to our neighbor's house and stole the pond for an afternoon this past week 
(it is Levi's grandparents home)

Coraline caught a fish! It was dead and she nicely scooped it up to show us and then she decided to bury it. 

Showing the three little girls how to kayak. 
Levi took Nephi down the Wildcat yesterday and Clairana down the Wildcat today so I took the little girls to the pond to do some kayaking. Thankfully, we did not get wet. 

Clairana with Levi floating down the creek!

They saw an eagle and a painted turtle. 


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