Wednesday, August 8, 2018

2018-2019 School Year

HOME-SCHOOL LIFE - PreK/1st Grade/3rd Grade

Morning Time Loop: Everyone
     Hymn - Memorizing (biweekly)
     Scripture Lesson/Reading 
     Scripture Mastery - Memorizing Scriptures from the New Testament (weekly) 
     Read Aloud Time (Fun/Easy) 
One Additional Item (Rotate 20 Minutes)
     Artist Activity
     Map (drawing)
     Nature Journal
     Science Experiment 


Afternoon Time: Clairana & Nephi
      Good and Beautiful Curriculum 
            Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Literature, Geography and Art
      Math (Clairana - Nephi Reading Only)
      Typing (Clairana) 
      Read Aloud (monthly chapter book for book club or CC related book)
      CC Board Review/Latin Review


This list is really long, but it does show how many historical events we will be learning with our Classical Conversations Coop. Go ahead quiz Nephi or Clairana they won't mind...but be prepared to hear lots....

CC Meets Once a Week from September-April

We study the timeline every year with the idea of 'digging deeper' into each one every year. 
Coraline, Nephi and Clairana will all be learning the same events in CC but Clairana's class (8 or less kids) will be digging a little deeper. 

CC holds the approach of a one-room school house style which is how I have always taught and will teach. Research shows that literacy rates of over 90% when first grade children were in the same room as seventh graders and children attended school for just a few months a year. 

They will also be studying Latin which develops into the Romance Languages - 
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Romanian. 

Classical Conversations Timeline
Age of Ancient Empires  Creation-c. AD 450
Creation and the Fall
The Flood and the Tower of Babel
Mesopotamia and Sumer  c. 3500-1595 BC, c. 2800-1800 BC
Egyptians c. 3100-1070 BC
Indus River Valley Civilization  c. 3000-1750 BC
Minoans and Mycenaeans  c. 3000-c. 1450 BC, c. 2000-c. 1200 BC
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World  c. 2550-c. 200 BC
Patriarchs of Israel  c. 2166-c. 1859 BC
Hittites and Caananites  c. 2000-c. 1200 BC
Kush  c. 2000 BC-AD 350
Assyrians  c. 1900-612 BC
Babylonians  c. 1900-539 BC
China’s Shang Dynasty  c. 1766-1122 BC
Hinduism in India  c. 1500 BC
Phoenicians and the Alphabet  c. 1500-c. 500 BC
Olmecs of Mesoamerica  c. 1500-c. 350 BC
Israelite Exodus and Desert Wandering  c. 1446-1406 BC
Israelite Conquest and Judges  c. 1406-c. 1051 BC
Greek Dark Ages  c. 1100-c. 600 BC
Israel’s United Kingdom  c. 1051-931 BC
Early Native Americans  c. 1000 BC-AD 1450
Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms  c. 931-586 BC
Homer and Hesiod  c. 800-c. 700 BC
Rome Founded by Romulus and Remus  753 BC
Israel Falls to Assyria  722 BC
Assyria Falls to Babylon  612 BC
Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha  c. 604-479 BC
Judah Falls to Babylon, Temple Destroyed  597-586 BC
Babylon Falls to Persia  539 BC
Jews Return and Rebuild the Temple  538 BC
Roman Republic  509 BC
Golden Age of Greece  497-431 BC
Peloponnesian Wars  431-404 BC
Persia Falls to Alexander the Great  331 BC
India’s Mauryan Empire  321-233 BC
Mayans of Mesoamerica  c. 300 BC-AD 900
Punic Wars  264-146 BC
Rome Conquers Greece  146 BC
Roman Dictator Julius Caesar  100-44 BC
Caesar Augustus and the Pax Romana  27 BC-AD 180
John the Baptist  c. 5 BC-c. AD 30
Jesus the Messiah  c. 4 BC-c. AD 30
Pentecost and the Early Church  AD 30-66
Persecution Spreads the Gospel  AD 64-313
Herod’s Temple Destroyed by Titus  AD 70
Diocletian Divides the Roman Empire  AD 286
Constantine Legalizes Christianity  AD 313
India’s Gupta Dynasty  AD 320-510
Council of Nicea (Divinity of Christ)  AD 325
Augustine of Hippo  AD 354-430
Jerome Completes the Vulgate  AD 405
Visigoths Sack Rome  AD 410
The Middle Ages  c. 450-1500
Council of Chalcedon (Two Natures of Christ)  451
Western Roman Empire Falls to Barbarians  476
Byzantine Emperor Justinian  ruled 527-565
Benedict and Monasticism  529-c. 647
Muhammad Founds Islam  622
Zanj and Early Ghana in Africa  700-1500
Franks Defeat Muslims at the Battle of Tours  732
Golden Age of Islam  750-1350
Vikings Raid and Trade  793-1000
Japan’s Heian Period  794-1185
Charlemagne Crowned Emperor of Europe  800
Alfred the Great of England  ruled 871-899
Erik the Red and Leif Eriksson, Norse Explorers  c. 900-c.1100
Vladimir I of Kiev  958-1015
Byzantine Emperor Basil II  ruled 976-1025
East-West Schism of the Church  1054
Norman Conquest and Feudalism in Europe  1066-1450
The Crusades  1095-1291
Zimbabwe and Early Mali in Africa  1100-1500
Aztecs of Mesoamerica  1100-1520
Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas  1181, 1225
Japan’s Shoguns  1192-c. 1500
Incas of South America  c. 1200-1533
Genghis Khan Rules the Mongols  1206-1227
England’s Magna Carta  1215
Ottoman Empire  1250-1923
Marco Polo’s Journey to China  1271-1295
The Hundred Years’ War and Black Death  1337-1453
The Renaissance  c. 1350-c. 1600
China’s Ming Dynasty  1368-1644
Age of Exploration  c. 1400-c. 1600
Prince Henry Founds School of Navigation  c. 1419
Slave Trade in Africa  c. 1440-c. 1890
Gutenberg’s Printing Press  c. 1455
Songhai in Africa  1460-1603
Czar Ivan the Great of Russia  ruled 1462-1505
The Spanish Inquisition  1478-1834
Columbus Sails to the Caribbean  1492
Age of Absolute Monarchs  c. 1500-c. 1800
Protestant Reformation  1517-1618
Spanish Conquistadors in the Americas  1519-1550
Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion  1536
Council of Trent (Counter-Reformation)  1545-1563
Baroque Period of the Arts  c. 1600-c. 1750
Japan’s Isolation  1603-1716
Jamestown and Plymouth Colony Founded  1607, 1620
Age of Enlightenment  c. 1650-c. 1800
Hudson’s Bay Company  1670
First Great Awakening  1734-1750
Classical Period of the Arts  c. 1750-c. 1825
The Seven Years’ War  1756-1763
Age of Industry  c. 1760-c. 1825
James Cook Sails to Australia and Antarctica  1769-1779
American Revolution and General George Washington  1775-1783
Madison’s Constitution and the Bill of Rights  1787-1791
French Revolution  1789-1799
Second Great Awakening  c. 1790-c. 1840
Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition  1803-1806
Napoleon Crowned Emperor of France  1804
Liberation of South America  1808-1830
The War of 1812  1812-1814
The Missouri Compromise  1820
Immigrants Flock to America  c. 1820-c. 1930
The Monroe Doctrine  1823
Romantic Period of the Arts  c. 1825-c. 1920
Cherokee Trail of Tears  1838
US Westward Expansion  1843-1869
Marx Publishes The Communist Manifesto  1848
The Compromise of 1850 and the Dred Scott Decision  1850, 1857
US Restores Trade with Japan  1853-1854
British Queen Victoria’s Rule Over India  1858-1947
Darwin Publishes The Origin of Species  1859
Lincoln’s War Between the States  1861-1865
Reconstruction of the Southern States  1865-1877
Dominion of Canada  1867
Otto von Bismarck Unifies Germany  1871
Boer Wars in Africa  1881-1902
The Spanish-American War  1898
The Progressive Era c. 1900-c. 1920
Australia Becomes a Commonwealth  1901
Mexican Revolution  1910-c. 1920
World War I and President Wilson  1914-1918
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia  1917
US Evangelist Billy Graham  1918-
Modern Period of the Arts  c. 1920-present
The Great Depression and the New Deal  1929-1939
World War II and President Franklin D. Roosevelt  1939-1945
Stalin of the USSR and the Katyn Massacre  1940
The United Nations Formed  1945
The Cold War  1945-1991
Gandhi and India’s Independence  1947
Jewish State Established  1948
Mao and the Communist Victory in China  1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization  1949-present
The Korean War  1950-1953
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement  1950-1968
Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, Missionaries to Ecuador  1956
The Antarctic Treaty  1959
The Vietnam War 1965-1975
US Astronauts Walk on the Moon  1969
Age of Information and Globalization  c. 1970-present
Watergate, President Nixon Resigns  1972-1974
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe  1989
European Union Formed  1993
Apartheid Abolished in South Africa  1994
September 11, 2001
Rising Tide of Freedom  2003-present

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 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...