Monday, July 2, 2018

Nauvoo with the Mosley Family

Our June was CRAZY. 
Right after everyone flew out we packed up and headed to Nauvoo, Illinois for a short trip with friends from Arizona. 
They had called a month or so ago saying they were road tripping it across the country and Nauvoo was as close as they would get to us (5 hour drive from us.) 
I was over the moon excited to see them!

The Mosley Family
They are LDS although in Arizona we were not in the same ward (mostly means we met at different times on Sunday based on our address) but they homeschool and her husband Paul is the State Representative for Arizona. 

Nauvoo is a small city located on the banks of the Mississippi River near Fort Madison, Iowa. 
Its historic importance and religious importance to many religious groups attracts a large number of tourists and visitors. 
It is registered in the National Register of Historic Places of USA.

Once 20,000 people then within months down to 2,000 due to being forced out. 

Nauvoo Temple - Restored in 2002 after being destroyed by arsonists' fire only four years after being originally built in 1848.

Temple Grounds 

Temple Steps overlooking the Mississippi River

Mormons being pushed out of Nauvoo by mobs for their religious beliefs and traveling across the frozen Mississippi in February 1846.

Jonathan Browning was a person who ran a successful gun repair business in Nauvoo. By visiting the Nauvoo home and gun shop of Jonathan Browning we can take a look at the beginning of the world famous Browning Arms Corporation. We can also see the creations of Browning’s here like his specially designed authentic rifles, handguns and shotguns. 
He is recognized as a man who invented the six shot repeater and the repeating rifle.

He moved from Quincy to Nauvoo primarily to be closer to the gathering place of the Mormons and continued building and repairing guns in Nauvoo. This continued until persecution drove the Mormons out of Illinois -- which began the Great Mormon Migration to what would eventually become Utah.

He was devout about his religion and his firearms. 
Guns made by him during this time were each marked with the words "Holiness to the Lord - Our Preservation."

He was not an early pioneer to travel to Utah, he was asked by Brigham Young to stay behind. 
This assignment was to outfit and equip the pioneers as they headed west over the next few years. 
In 1852 Brigham Young called him to Utah where he settled in Ogden, just north of Salt Lake City. 

This picture was in his home although not much is known of it.

Post Office Tour

Looms - This is Lydia she is one of the Mosley twins that Nephi just adores. 

Wagon Rides with Oxen and Horses

Chauncey Webb's Home

This used to be called The Trail of Tears - plaques line the Trail of Hope with quotations from pioneers who left Nauvoo on that February day or during the following months.
This helps us to imagine what it would be like....

Leave everything behind to travel from Illinois to Utah across the frozen river in search of Religious Freedom.
For a hope to be LEFT ALONE and able to WORSHIP without mobs and murders.

Approximately, 100 men were involved in the attack that killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith (his brother.)

When we think our life gets hard.....Its was a good reminder of people who have suffered so great before us.

There is a pioneer story of a woman whose husband was killed before they left and she made the trip with her four babies only to bury all of them along the way with a SPOON. 

School House 

Making Rope


Clairana playing pioneer games

Nephi and Cosette 

Nephi with Sam and Brielle

Cabella playing too.

Ms. Coraline with her Arizona Bestie Portia

Not all Littles Pictured!

Clairana with Eliza Jane, Brielle, and Lydia
Brynley Mosley -
Mother of Seven  and does an amazing job of showing me how to be a better Godly mother.
Homeschooling Mama.
Politician's Wife. Hospice RN.
She LOVES to play with her kids and is always making up new games.
I am so very happy our paths crossed in this life.

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