Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jeep Ride and Inside Life....

My reading must have been pretty amazing...Comfy place for a nap.

All she ever wants to do is be outside. 

All sorts of expressions these days - number one.

Pigtail Finally!

Jeep Ride (Clairana and I were so sick but Levi insisted we get out and get some air for Family Home Evening) I feel like I have written that we are sick so many  times this year! Is it Spring yet?!!
Tally Thus Far -
Sickness in December, January and February
(and not just a stuffy nose - sick like we are down and out for days....) 

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Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...