Saturday, February 3, 2018

Great Wolf Lodge Mini Vacation

We have been trying for awhile to plan a vacation with my brother, Nick, and his little family...
it finally happened. 
We went to Great Wolf Lodge which is a three hour drive. 
They had never been there so it was fun to show them around! 
We had a GREAT time! 
It was SO fun to have another couple to go on the 'adult/big kid' roller coasters.

Swimming. Slides. Hot Tub. Roller Coaster. Dippin Dots Ice-cream. Pizza. Story-Time.
Animal Balloons. Origami. Mini Bowling. Arcade.
Much More...we haven't gotten to just yet.
We Will Be Back.


Howling like Wolves!


We found this grandpa at Great Wolf Lodge just relaxing on the bench....the kids all invaded him which turned into full conversations. 

Bella learned from Reagan how to CHEESE now. Hilarious. 


Daddies with the Babies 

Ensley was a bit nervous but she did it!

2 by 2 by 2 

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