Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Around the House....

I was getting ready for the day and look over and they said "Look at Us Take our Picture!" So I had to. 

I came inside to find this....Clairana and Nephi - So Funny.

Coraline before Church!
This shawl was made for Clairana by their Great Aunt on Levis mom's side. Now it is getting used again.
So Cute! Plus who doesn't love rainbow tights! 

Levi and Nephi made this huge grapevine ball! 

Friends over for a playdate! Goodsell Family. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jeep Ride and Inside Life....

My reading must have been pretty amazing...Comfy place for a nap.

All she ever wants to do is be outside. 

All sorts of expressions these days - number one.

Pigtail Finally!

Jeep Ride (Clairana and I were so sick but Levi insisted we get out and get some air for Family Home Evening) I feel like I have written that we are sick so many  times this year! Is it Spring yet?!!
Tally Thus Far -
Sickness in December, January and February
(and not just a stuffy nose - sick like we are down and out for days....) 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Peter and the Wolf

Although we were not feeling well, we loaded everyone up and went with our CC 
(homeschool group) to see Peter and the Wolf at the Long Center downtown. The kids got to see all the instruments and they had a 'petting zoo' at the beginning for kids to play. 
The length of the show was perfect - under an hour. Enough time to enjoy the orchestra but not be bored out of your mind. Adults too. 

The music was played along with a narrative which made it much more entertaining for everyone. The narrator was GREAT. 

In homeschooling, we will be studying the orchestra for the next six week - this was a great introduction.

Sergei Prokofiev wrote the story and composed the music for Peter and the Wolf in 1936. It was written in two weeks for a children's theatre in Moscow. He wrote the music as a child's introduction to the orchestra with each character being represented by an instrument or group of instruments. Peter and the Wolf was an immediate success and continues to be enjoyed today by children all over the world.

The story is about a boy named Peter who lives with his grandfather. Grandfather does not want Peter going out of their garden because there are wolves around. One day Peter goes out the garden gate and sees a duck swimming in a nearby pond. The duck is arguing with a little bird. Peter sees a cat approaching and warns the little bird who flies up into a tree.

Just then, Peter's grandfather comes outside and scolds Peter for going out of the garden. They go back into the garden and Grandfather locks the gate. Soon a wolf does appear from the woods. The cat climbs a tree to escape the wolf, but the duck is swallowed by the hungry wolf. Peter gets a rope and climbs over the garden wall into a tree. The bird distracts the wolf by flying over his head while Peter lowers a noose and catches the wolf by his tail.

Hunters then come out of the woods and fire at the wolf but Peter stops them. They all bring the wolf to the zoo and at the end, the duck can be heard quacking in the wolf's stomach.

Front Row Seats - I think next year we will go up to the balcony levels to see more. 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Photo Catch-Up 2017

I posted a few photos we had taken before Christmas but just got back the rest and thought I would share. 
We hadn't seen any that had just Cabella so I was looking forward to getting these!

Also, out takes of pictures with four children, crazy wind blown hair, baby who doesn't like headbands and a husband that kept closing his eyes....oooyyyy

At the Wildcat Creek

Levi took everyone on an adventure in our own backyard per say...
It is so great to not have to load everyone up to go to a park or on a hike - we are blessed to have it right where we are! 
We have a John Deere Gator so normally we always load up and go for a ride - he decided to have everyone walk. I was not there but I am sure it was full of excitement, adventure and a bit of whiny on the walk home. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Random Videos from the Florida Road Trip

Nephi - Are we there yet!!? Cabella learned the harmonica. 
Clairana best rider EVER - reading and drawing, Coraline the fun singer. 


Monday, February 12, 2018

Lipizzan Stallions - Florida Trip

One afternoon, we loaded up to go see the Lipizzan Stallions train - they train in Florida during the winter months. They are from Vienna, Austria.  The are born with dark hair and gradually turn to white when they are around 6 years old. 

We did get to see a colt and eat popcorn which made the trip even more fun. I walked around the outskirts and checked out all the other horses (pretty anry horses I must say) with the little girls while everyone else watched the show. 

Founded in the 16th century for the exclusive use of the Hapsburg Royal family of Austria, the Royal Lipizzans are unquestionably the rarest, most aristocratic breed of horses in the world.

Only a few hundred have ever existed at any one time. Indeed, it is a contemporary miracle of sorts that this precious bloodline is not extinct, having barely been saved by General George Patton from the Russian advance during World War II. The Lipizzans' celebrated escape was recounted in the Walt Disney movie, "Miracle of the White Stallions".

Assisting Patton in the clandestine mission to rescue the regal Lipizzans, Colonel Herrmann and his father, Colonel Ottomar Herrmann, Sr., smuggled the horses out from far behind enemy lines, riding at night and hiding by day. "We moved out into the night with nothing," recalled Herrmann, "only a handful of horses". The Lipizzans' they saved under the protection granted by Patton, were "more precious than jewels", he declared.

Florida with the Snowbirds!

Levi's grandparents, Jack and Jane, snowbird each year from Indiana to Florida. We decided to back our exhausted kids from swimming at Great Wolf Lodge and drive to see them for a couple days. 
Our visit was pretty short, but we were all excited to see them. 

The weather was SO NICE. After a few rough weeks it was nice to enjoy time outside and sunshine.

More photos to come and videos when I get a chance to steal Levi's phone for awhile!

Formatted is being funny on the pictures so they aren't in the best order -
I have had a fever for 5 days now and Fever. Four Kids. and Formatting just don't seem to mix well.
Why did we come back to Indiana so Soon.....

Walks around the Pond

Red Barn (big flea market type place that has fruits/veggies)


Mamaw and Papaw with Coraline

The water was COLD! 

Papaw's tent got invaded by little people. 

LOVE this ONE!! So Sweet. Memories!

Jane (Mamaw) always is so helpful with the little girls - She ends up carrying Coraline which just amazes me.
I hope to be as strong and healthy as she is when I am her age! I need to ask her what the tricks are!

Always the Fastest One! 

Coraline's Cheese is always so Sweet

This hike was so beautiful. 

Yes, I am the annoying one who married into this family - does Papaw look annoyed by me?? 

This is how most pictures go with four little people. 

Mamaw gave this lion to Coraline when we left - it has gotten LOTS of love from everyone. 


We all watched from inside to not overwhelm the birds. 

Nephi got to try out feeding them up close - he was pretty intimidated!

Feeding the Birds

Walks around the Park

Papaw is the Bird Whisperer in Florida. 

They were excited to find this treasure on the beach - they promptly went and plopped it down on the blanket to show Mamaw - eeekkk!!

In the backseat... on the way to see beautiful horses!

Coraline now does the Peace Sign - it just cracks me up. I have no idea what Clairana is doing....

Hiking! It was SO nice to be able to get outside and walk especially without coats/scarves/gloves.....

Clairana was SO excited to see the water. 

A little friend Nephi accidentally brought home! 

Night Night....
