Monday, May 22, 2017

Hoosier State for the WIN!

Life is pretty crazy right now....sorry for the delay on blog post life! 

We will be moving back to our home of Indiana this upcoming week. 
We have been planning our move back for awhile now but things really just fell into place all at the same time. 

To catch up.....Levi had a phone conversation with TBird - Surveying and Engineering Firm (he used to work with when we were in college as a surveyor) he has always stayed in contact with them throughout the years and gotten them lots of opportunities for jobs.  
They said they were doing well just struggling to get someone in the door to help with all the work....Levi jokingly asked if there was room for him to join their team. They said Yes. 
Two days later the deal was complete. 
Over almost the past year we have been planning to build and had asked Levi's grandparents last May if they would ever be interested in selling us some of their farm. They said Yes. 
We were beyond thrilled. We had prayed for a direction of where to live and finally settle down. 
This was it. Super Corny but Perfect Replay - We were married on their land and our first date was actually there too at his Great Aunt's house. 
In the midst of all of this Levi's Great Aunt (Clairana who our Clairana is named after) lives right next to Levi's grandparents decided to move and sell her house. 
We decided that although the house is not perfect for us it gets us to the location we want to be and would be an easier transition to moving back....with the hope that we may build in the near future. 
We bought the house. 
We will be buying additional acres from Levi's grandparents this fall to further our homestead and start our farm. 

I am very grateful for the love and support that we have had from everyone.
My Father In Law (Kelly) ALWAYS is there when we move. He is actually flying out this week to help us drive home.
My heart (and my mom's too) was VERY thankful to know I did not have to drive separate the whole 29 hours with the kids.

Most people know that over the past few years my side of the family has gotten much smaller.  
I do not have any grandparents or great Aunts/Uncles on my side for my children to bond with .....
I am looking forward to all the moments we will share as a family on the Evans' farm. 

Levi has a less stressful, MUCH shorter Commute Job. We have Land for our Farm. 
We have a House. We are Blessed. And So Very Thankful. 

Our Crazy Adventure Life is Changing to something more Settle and We Are Ready.
Indiana Here We Come. For Good. 

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