Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Clairana's First Church Talk!

I am the Primary Secretary at church so I get the opportunity on Sundays to see little spirits light up.
Clairana was asked to give a talk in Primary about how you can Choose the Right. 
She did everything all by herself (wrote her talk and presented it) in front of 38 kids - super proud moment.

Hello my name is Clairana Evans and I have been to the Indiana temple before. 
When I was in the temple I felt the spirit. Everyone should go to the temple someday and feel the spirit too. 
The spirit makes you feel happy and love. If we follow the prophet and choose the right we can all go to the temple together and feel the beautiful spirit. I know that the scriptures are true and by living the gospel and choosing the right everyone can be happy. Name of Jesus Christ, 

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