Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Daddy & Daughter Dance

Our church got together and threw a Daddy Daughter Dance for all girls 5 and older. 
It was magical. 
I made fruit kabobs and these too much effort lemon curd tarts. 
Clairana was SO excited and Levi was very sweet to think of getting her a corsage and a necklace for their date. 

Easter 2017

Easter was pretty low key for us...
We dyed eggs, got little baskets from the Easter bunny, found eggs, went to church and then spent the rest of the day swimming. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Funday

Somedays, I can't believe they are all mine. How did I actually carry these four little people?!

Happy Sunday - I personally LOVE Sundays - mostly because I get to spend the day with my companion who doesn't have to work and I love to worship with all my girlfriends... 
I mean church families together. 
I enjoy everything about it - dressing up, socializing, feeling the 
spirit,learning from others...perfect day.
I LOVE being LDS and having a structured religion everywhere we go...makes it easier to make friends with the same values and in return my littles make great friends with great families. 

No they don't look anything alike.....

Friday, April 14, 2017

Bell Visit

The Bell family drove over to spend a few days with us! 
We rented a boat one day and paddle-boards the next! 
We had a great time and Tyson is getting so big - he now interacts with the kids which they LOVE.
We may have scared his parents about every giving him a sibling. 
Coraline had some lovely toddler moments. 
LOTS OF SUN AND FUN and OLD PEOPLE who were ASLEEP by 10:00!

Bella's first boat ride - Night Night

Aunt Ashli and Coraline

Levi and Nephi swimming over to the cliffs

Uncle Tyrone - Double Duty! Coraline & Tyson

I LOVED the Paddleboards - think I may be the crazy lady using one on the Wabash when we move home!
Clairana loved it too - she did really well by herself.

Aunt Ashli with Tyson and Tyrone in the background

Levi with the girls

Mini Me 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Clairana's First Church Talk!

I am the Primary Secretary at church so I get the opportunity on Sundays to see little spirits light up.
Clairana was asked to give a talk in Primary about how you can Choose the Right. 
She did everything all by herself (wrote her talk and presented it) in front of 38 kids - super proud moment.

Hello my name is Clairana Evans and I have been to the Indiana temple before. 
When I was in the temple I felt the spirit. Everyone should go to the temple someday and feel the spirit too. 
The spirit makes you feel happy and love. If we follow the prophet and choose the right we can all go to the temple together and feel the beautiful spirit. I know that the scriptures are true and by living the gospel and choosing the right everyone can be happy. Name of Jesus Christ, 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Cora and Nephi Riding Lessons

Cora and Nephi - Clairana is on the ground practicing calls to Wajeeh

Coraline's favorite horse and also the biggest one they have there. Her name is Ryah.
She is huge but very loving.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Levi - Lake Havasu Photo

Levi has had some trying times here in Arizona with his career - 
he works long hours and has a three hour commute daily and works with several different types of people/personalities.
Yesterday, he was struggling and pulled over to pray on his way home. 
He then took this picture and posted this on Facebook (which he never uses).
Growing pains are hard. 
I am thankful to have this man in my life .... a man that knows Christ.
And the scriptures better than me....although he would argue that.

Perhaps man made this lake but God created the place, gave us the materials, and influenced our knowledged so we could.

Oh... and he gave us his Son so we could return to him.