Monday, September 12, 2016

Around the House

Coraline actually took this picture of Zona

Could I really get a thumb sucker??!!

Coraline has grown to LOVE sunglasses - she wears them everywhere...
Yes, its cute until she doesn't have them and she has to face the sun....then its well terrible.

Sponge Bath Time

Zona in her cage smiling at me while all the babies were asleep - she is such a dork.

Ashli let us borrow this pillow after I saw lots of hip babies using it - it has been a lifesaver.
I was holding Bella every-night while we slept ....sorta and now she will sleep on this pillow because it provides support under her back.

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Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say &...