Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bippity Boppity Boo PARTY!

They had a princess party at our aquatic center so I ended up taking Clairana and her friend Mikasia while Mikasia's mom took the boys to swimming lessons and to McDonalds. 
You would have thought Nephi went to a huge party - he was SO excited to play in the play place and eat icecream with three other boys. 
Did I mention I have booked us out for EVERYTHING before this baby arrives.


These three girls actually made the local paper too!
We homeschool with the girl in the middle - she is from a family of six. 

The 'Queen"

Ice-cream with Nephi afterwards! Cora stayed home with dad because it was all past bedtime! He didn't mind watching movies and working alone. 

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Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say &...