Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Around the House

We FINISHED Stuart Little 

Sauerkraut - moved into the fridge so now it should be ready in six to eight weeks!

FINISHED Huckleberry Finn (Levi read this one to them)

Who has been sleeping with this stubborn monster - YES US.

Homeschool Coop meets in the gym at our church (even though most are not LDS) for one hour of STEAM and one hour of GYM. It is too hot to be outside anymore.....until September or October they say. This is Nephi with Cosette. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Babysitting Coop Night!

 We are so very happy to have found such great families to have a babysitting coop with! 
We get to watch all these crazy kiddos for one Saturday a month. 
This time we switched up and used the church gym which worked out great. 
Nephi LOVES all the boys!

Nephi on the run while Clair and Rachel enjoy a ride!

Little Besties with their babies

Craft Time!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bippity Boppity Boo PARTY!

They had a princess party at our aquatic center so I ended up taking Clairana and her friend Mikasia while Mikasia's mom took the boys to swimming lessons and to McDonalds. 
You would have thought Nephi went to a huge party - he was SO excited to play in the play place and eat icecream with three other boys. 
Did I mention I have booked us out for EVERYTHING before this baby arrives.


These three girls actually made the local paper too!
We homeschool with the girl in the middle - she is from a family of six. 

The 'Queen"

Ice-cream with Nephi afterwards! Cora stayed home with dad because it was all past bedtime! He didn't mind watching movies and working alone. 

Bell Visit!

One of the most ironic and exciting things that happened when we found out where Summit Livestock would be placing us was a few hours away from Levi's sister Ashli. 
We said often of all the places in the US we get to go to Arizona and spend these two years with them. Cherry on top was they were getting ready to welcome their first little one!
Although we are four hours away we have gotten to see them much more than we would have already.

They came this past week to come enjoy the pool and these crazy hot temperatures!

We feel very blessed they made the trek. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday, it was good old Father's Day so Levi got to pick what we would all do -

First, he wanted to stay up late watching an actual adult TV show - he lasted till almost 3:00 in the morning! Needless to say after that the morning was pretty quiet until church then he wanted to watch a family movie - meaning I had to sit down and actually watch it with everyone.
He got surveys that I took from the kids all about him and a 60 minute flight lesson! 
I have been waiting to reveal this surprise for a LONG time. 
Pictures Soon of Flying!
38 Weeks Pregnant and no new baby for his day.....

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Cora's 1st Jeep Ride

These past two weeks I was really ambitious and thought I would try to 'exhaust our children' and maybe myself before number four comes and we are stuck at home.....
Doing so we had two weeks of events and swim practice every night. night Nephi and Clairana had swim lessons and parties and well ended up Coraline had to ride in the Jeep with dad. 

She loved it. Levi loved it. I was nervous.

Swimming Life!

Kids in goggles are just SO CUTE! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Grandma & Grandpa Brigham

We have been very blessed with several visitors lately! 
My parents took a road trip from Indiana to spend a few days with us!
We didn't tell the kids so they were SUPER EXCITED when they arrived. 
We went to an animal rescue zoo called Keepers of the Wild - it has animals that people either had as pets or were used in a circus.

On the Train - Learning about the animals

Groucho was there too.....

London Bridge Walk

Jeep Ride


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...