Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Coloring Eggs

Cora was not really a fan...she just wanted to peel and eat them.

Family Selfie minus Mom.

Goodies! Matching outfits for church!
A new 'awesome' helmet for Nephi/Clairana got her first set of small legos/Coraline got a shopping cart! Checkers/Chess set and a few more homeschooling things.

PHOTO TIME! Who knows what Nephi is doing.....

Off To Church

Levi & I both taught this Sunday at church.
Always Learning...Did You Know?
Jesus was alive for 40 days after his Resurrection and saw over 500 people before ascending to Heaven near the town of Bethany.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Dentist Visit - Nephi's First Time!

Yesterday, I took Clairana and Nephi to the dentist. 
We sure do get lots of looks in this town when I travel with everyone especially now that I am showing. 
Although I must say it is hard for me to remember and take pictures when I am by  myself with them. 
They did great that at the end of our visit the dentist said he we could have Nephi's visit for free! Seems we don't have dental insurance I was excited!
Guess my homemade toothpaste and Oral Wellness drops are working out! 

Clairana's teeth - she has one tooth missing on the bottom which an adult tooth is coming in! 

Coraline just hanging out.....

Nephi got a few people to come in and see him as a SPOTLESS example they said. 


Thought today I would get a little personal....about the Evans' household. 
Mostly, because we are EXCITED!

Levi and I met when we were young and well by the standards of the world married young too 
(at least for our generation)

Along with graduating college (which is expensive in itself) we thought the best thing in life was making and spending money....
This as most know comes to an end. 
We have learned the life lesson of you spend as much as you make and buying things and working sun up to sun down does not make you happy.

Did you know that on the top ten list for divorce 
is listed as Number SEVEN. 

Well, I can at least say that we traveled this path together and came out on the other side together. 
I am happy to say that after a few years of playing the monopoly game and attempting to see how fast I can get us out of debt and keeping Levi on a strict budget.....he can now go out to eat without telling me how much he spent :) 

We came to Arizona to make sure we didn't have to let our children hear us talk about debt again. 

It worked. 

The Evans' household is debt free! We finished paying off our student loans/medical bills just this month. 
We even went ahead and prepaid for this upcoming birth - they offer a large discount if you do.

We do still own our house in Washington but at the moment we have renters and the housing market seems to be looking up so maybe we will try and sell again next year. 
(I am sure I will be ready for a financial project by then)

Thankful that both of us are not very trendy and fit into most our clothes from college let alone high school because we say often how hard it would be to be married to a partner who spends more than the other. 

and a trip to Disneyland.

I do always LOVE Levi's response when people ask how we have been so blessed in both our careers so have to be BOLD, SMART, and pay your TITHING. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

St Patrick's Day

I have started a Playgroup for the kids that meets once a week - mostly our church group of families. This was our first week getting together and it happened to be St. Patty's Day so we threw a party at our house!

Read Books about Leprechauns
Made Paint Crafts of Leprechauns Faces
Made Rainbow Fruit Pies on Pie Crust
Made Sherbet Floats to Drink
Scavenger Hunts

Kelly & Reni Visit

Kelly and Reni ( Levi's dad and stepmother ) came to visit Ashli & Tyrone's new addition - which meant we got to visit with them for a day before they took off back to Indiana. 
Levi & I decided to treat them by planning a boat trip on the lake. 
It ended up being a great adventure!

Captain and Co.....Captain - or better yet Snack Lady

London Bridge

Pappy with the kiddos!

Reni had to do schoolwork online so Levi stole his dad and went on a Jeep ride with the kiddos!

StoryTime - BedTime

Nephi LOVED the boat - it was a 15 person Pontoon so we had plenty of room.

Night Night....

More StoryTime

Coraline Video

Levi tries to stay home one day a week and work on office items that he can't do on the job-site....aka make phone calls ALL DAY LONG! 
Coraline always grabs her phone and goes in to visit him. 

Sunday Funday...

 Sunday Best! 

Levi left for a church meeting so we were just waiting on church.....picture time!

Coraline is now 18 months old! 
That means that she gets to now go to her own Primary class which worked out great because I had to teach both 2nd and 3rd hour Sunday school today.

She did great - no tears nothing....just played and had a lesson with snacks!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Around the House

Levi and I thought this was hilarious...we may have been slap happy after swim lessons.
In and Out Burger (the only fast food place we have tried here)

This girl has accomplished the coloring skills!

Thought this was cute - this is what pictures actually look trying to move them.

Farm Call

I was called by our sweet friends down the road to see if I had any advice on their mama that was in labor but the babies (what we thought w...