Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Thanks to family and friends we got 20 yards of mulch spread all over our house and 
TONS of plants in the ground! It looks amazing! 
We have spent so much time on making our house beautiful on the inside it is nice to get outside and work!

Thursday we rented a large trailer and Levi's granddad Jack and him did several loads to the city to pick up free mulch.
Friday we spent the day with Levi's two best friends, Levi's dad, &
Aunt Woody getting crazy on spreading it.
Saturday and Sunday we planted plants.
Monday we were exhausted. 

Lunch Time

Nephi with Uncle El

Came out from nursing Coraline to this....naked and mud lots of mud.....

Photo when we finished! Showing our muscles!

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Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say &...