Saturday, May 16, 2015

Kelly's 55th birthday

We have lots of grandpa birthdays within days of each-other.
Levi's grandparents hosted a party for Kelly (Levi's dad) last weekend.
Hanging out by the pond and in the barn with crazy little people. 
We even got an Indiana thunderstorm which we did miss when we were in Washington.

Pappy with his grandbabies!

Clairana with Papaw and Uncle Greg

Testing the water.... or rules....

Serious talk with Uncle Jack and Cousin Kelsey
Kelsey is a Junior at Purdue University in Engineering - she just finished finals

Papaw and Coraline

This is her I am not a fan of sunshine in my eyes....

The lady that made this all happen - Mamaw and well me.... trying to hide brownies in both my hands.
The Evans' family makes AMAZING desserts - Mamaw makes the best pies/cookies, Aunt Rene does perfect brownies, Aunt Woody does pie crust with strawberries and cream.
Did I mention I started working out so thankfully I went a little crazy.  

MUSIC by the Birthday Boy with sidekick Nephi

Sugar Coma......

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