Saturday, May 30, 2015

Learning the bicycle life

Levi and I were really big into biking in Washington and we have lots of accessories from when Clairana was born but we have been slow to find places to bike around our house. 
Much easier when you don't live on such a busy street! 
Sidewalks are coming soon. 

We went to a park about ten minutes from our house to the Celery Bog. 
We were working on just going slow and time we will bring the helmets and maybe Levi and I will get to ride too.

Huge Swan

Friday, May 29, 2015


Seems we have our own chickens who eat only organic feed 
I was super excited to give Coraline her first finger food - egg! 
Also, nervous and praying that she would not be allergic because we eat eggs everyday.
We only tried the yolk for now....






Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rabbit Cacciatore

Well we did it! We butchered the rabbits and tried out our first recipe. 

Rabbit Cacciatore

They weren't totally on board in the beginning.....

Everyone enjoyed it - score! Good thing because we have 6 more in the freezer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Grandpa Troy

My dad surprised us and called to see if we were up for breakfast on Saturday morning. 
We had been working hard on the house so it was a nice break! 
My dad has always been a big Indianapolis 500 fan and so he brought shirts for the kids.


Random Photos

Our New to Us Jumperoo!

Starting to dress up and come show us her outfits! Fairy with Christmas sweater

New Outfit from Aunt Emily!

Waiting for church to start!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Coraline Dr Appt Update

Height 66 cm
Weight 17 lb 3 oz
BMI 17.90
Weight for Age - 50%
Length for Age - 40%
Weight to Length - 75%
BMI for age - 70%

She just keeps growing! 
She has two teeth on the bottom and loves to bite....
Still nursing and starting baby food
She is a big fan of fruits and carrots
Says Dadadadada
Drools all the time
Does not take a pacifier
Not a fan of the carseat
Does not like to snuggle or lay on your chest
Loves the swimming pool and showers
Mama's girl at least for now....

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Kid's bathroom

I am behind on the house remodels around here....

We finished the upstairs kid's bathroom!


Very blessed to have a husband with such great skills!

I was SO excited to get in there and clean it! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Week

Serious Bunny Book

Rough life on the little farm

Yes this is very comfortable mom....

My brother's graduation cake from his surprise party .... boy we have been partying around here lately

Playdate with buddy Langston

He is a big brother! Micah James


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Meet Marley Party

Over the weekend, we had another Evans' get together to meet Woody's daughter Bobbie Lu and her daughter Marley for the first time - they live in Maine. 

Aunt Rene with sleeping Coraline

Reni snapped this picture of us watching the kids play ball

Marley and Nephi

Papaw Jack

Mamaw and Coraline (mean mug little girl)

Gator Ride

Levi and I took all the munchins for a gator ride during the party

Clairana hanging out by Woody's beautiful pond
(thanks Tara for the picture)

Aunt T & Mama

Aunt Woody and Mamaw with the kiddos

Bobbie Lu and Marley



They were so sweet together - holding hands - hugging