Monday, March 16, 2015

Mini Farm Life

Levi and I were both secretly worried when I switched to staying home....mostly because I have always continued to strive and improve my resume and further myself and now that would be on hold. Would I even like being home? Would they drive me crazy? Budget life?
We have great daycare maybe we should not switch things up on the kids....

I can whole heartily say that I absolutely love staying home and being a better wife and mother!
The amount of stress that is gone from our house is fabulous. 
Levi is a better employee and gets to focus more on his work knowing that when he gets home we can just play rather than do chores. 
Also, when the kids are sick (which is so much less without daycare) we don't have to worry about who can take the day off and what meetings can we miss. 
** Now I did say if I get sick you may have to call in!

I am thankful for our church life because it is great to be able to do service for others when we need a project or to get out of the house or have a playdate. 

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