Monday, January 12, 2015

Around the House

The past two weeks it has been pretty cold around here! The schools have been cancelled and we have been spending lots of time inside....strangely enough we have not gotten cabin fever. 
I have taken on the challenge to teach Clairana to read as my New Years Resolution and it has been going pretty well. I also bought them a book for Christmas that tells about everyone in the scriptures and we have been reading about one person a night which they are actual excited about and Levi and I are learning too. 

Sunday Best


Water Kefir Soda!
Our kids do not have juice at our house.
I make Water Kefir which is a probiotic drink made from kefir grains that can be flavored and even carbonated to taste like a soda or juice. 

Harley Girl! Oh how the Harley gear has changed over the years!

The Girls!

Everyone on the PlasmaCar

Family Selfie - Sorta

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Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say &...