Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Growing Around Here

We have not been up to much around the Evans' house just staying warm and playing around the house. We have been going out in the sunshine but because its still pretty cold for the little one we just play in our backyard. 

She is sitting up in her highchair - still a little wobbly so we have a blanket 

Nephi Joe hanging out with Mama

Busted them sleeping together last night - note Clairana now likes to put in her own hair clips - even at night.
We are on the search for a bigger bed for Nephi.
He likes to sneak in and sleep with Clairana because she has a 'big comfy bed'.

 Levi and I made this over the weekend with my cheese kit and we will get to try it in a month.
Levi has named us - Evans' Fresh & Fermented 

Coraline Ready for Church! 4 months old!

Breakfast time!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cottage Cheese

Levi got me a cheese-making kit for Christmas and we made our own cottage cheese!
It's gone now because it was AMAZING! Making more soon!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Stay at Home Mama

I am really enjoying being home!
This is what we look like most days.
Me - Nursing Coraline (see her hand) while having two monkeys on my back! 

Around the House

The past two weeks it has been pretty cold around here! The schools have been cancelled and we have been spending lots of time inside....strangely enough we have not gotten cabin fever. 
I have taken on the challenge to teach Clairana to read as my New Years Resolution and it has been going pretty well. I also bought them a book for Christmas that tells about everyone in the scriptures and we have been reading about one person a night which they are actual excited about and Levi and I are learning too. 

Sunday Best


Water Kefir Soda!
Our kids do not have juice at our house.
I make Water Kefir which is a probiotic drink made from kefir grains that can be flavored and even carbonated to taste like a soda or juice. 

Harley Girl! Oh how the Harley gear has changed over the years!

The Girls!

Everyone on the PlasmaCar

Family Selfie - Sorta

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Video Catch Up

Christmas 2014

Christmas was busy but very fun this year! 
As the kids are getting older they are starting to understand about the meaning of Christmas as well as all the excitement in the air. 
They were telling everyone Jesus was born on Christmas and died on Easter! 
Guess we are ready for the next holiday too.
For me this year was extra special because I was able to resign from my position at Purdue and spend the whole holiday with the little ones - making our life much less stressful. 
It has been wonderful not to load up all three kids at 6:30 in the morning in the freezing cold! 
Instead Levi nicely sneaks away early in the morning and drives two miles to work without having to worry about anyone.

I did complete the GRE exam for Graduate School (4.5 hour exam) but I will not know if I have been accepted till March. I have not told very many people about applying for grad school mostly because if I don't get in so I guess we will see what happens..... 

Hats from G&G Brigham - Coraline & Ensley

Nephi's new gear I was trying out to scare him

Christmas Card

Christmas Tree

Our First Year with Elf on the Shelf which they names 'Elf" real original I know

All my Christmas decorations are now away from little hands!

Christmas Eve - Cinnamon Rolls

Christmas Morning



My Present from Levi - Coming in Feb!! Nigerian Dwarf Milking Goats!!

Christmas at G & G Brigham's house

Cousin Liam & Nephi

Then this happened.....happy fairy princess 

Plasma Cars to help with our cabin fever - Levi and I had a blast on Christmas Eve 

I guess I didn't get a picture of Levi with his gift from me - he got amazing new dress clothes for work/church from this place in London that he had been wanting. I am sure I will take a picture once he gets all dressed up! I figured a great investment now that we are only nice work clothes for one! I on the other hand hope to be in yoga pants till August!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Oh My - I Love this Tiny One
Aunt Brandy came to visit!

Clairana's Creation

Nephi's Michael Jordan gear that he does not want to take off.....ever

Cut my hair off!!