Monday, May 19, 2014

Little Lady Number TWO

We got to see our little lady on Friday. She is giving us a little excitement but we are both growing and healthy. She is 1lb and 6oz and I have gained 12 lbs which both are right on track. We were told she is already in the right position and she does have a small head (please note my other two children have heads off the charts)

We will have another ultrasound next month to determine where her placenta is at. Right now her placenta is much lower than it is supposed to be and if I was to deliver it would be dangerous as her placenta would be delivered first. We pray that it will move so that we are able to have another natural birth but we are also very thankful for technology and knowing that we might have a cesarean.

I am coming around to the idea and know that a healthy mama and baby is what is best regardless on how it happens.I am also very thankful that I have had time to process this and to adjust (not much for last minute birth plan changes - not really a flexible time for me)

I thought by the Third One I would have this birth thing figured out??

We will keep everyone posted.

Mother's Day

This is the grapevine that Levi made to hang on our altar when we were married. 
The flowers were from my bouquet but after a few moves they didn't look very good. 
Levi had them replaced for Mother's Day.

This Past Week

I haven't blogged in awhile! 
We have not been up to very much besides building a fence, finishing up the swing set, 
& putting in a garden.
I was Skyping with my Mother in Law and well they were quiet......

OOh and I got to have a night out with my girlfriend Lisa which involved the Cheesecake Factory and a pedicure in Indianapolis!

Nephi's arm he rolled down the hill on his four wheeler and hit the driveway

Hanging out with Cousin Abbi

We did go to Michael's (Nephew - Levi's sister Tifni) Choir Concert

Daddy & Nephi with Uncle Josh too!

Mike is in the back row middle

Clairana & Jeriko

Friday, May 2, 2014

Around Our House

She is Growing - 22 weeks! (Dont mind the bathroom floors we are refinishing them)

Good Morning Nephi Joe

Good Morning Clairana with a fever and stomach flu

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Time Out for Women

This past weekend I traveled to Ohio with Tifni and Reni (Levi's sister and Stepmother)
The conference was amazing and the spirit was so strong.
It was great to get away and get a recharge with other women.
Next year they are coming to Indianapolis so hopefully we will be able to have more people come with us seems it will be only an hour away.
The conference is held on Friday night and all day Saturday.


Heidi Swinton
Jenny Oaks Baker - Amazing on the violin! She has a degree from Julliard School and performs with the the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Elaine Dalton

Whitney Johnson
Hilary Weeks - Great Singer
Chris Williams - Great story of Letting Go he lost his pregnant wife and two of his four children to a 17 year old drunk driver.
Laurel Day
Wendy Ulrich
Emily Watts

The time went by so fast and I was never bored.
Our typical Selfie at the Conference~

Reni with Chris Williams

On our way there eating lunch at Cracker Barrel

Present I got for myself. As LDS families we are encourage to do Family Home Evening on Monday nights.
This is where we set aside time once a week to do a family activity together or provide service to others together.
This shows little tags that say scripture/treat/prayer/song/activity/lesson