Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Happened!?

Last week, I took Friday off work to spend with the kids after we had a pretty hectic week mostly because our daycare was closed and everyday was different for the kids.
So...what does a mom do she can't stay at home and relax!
I called Brandy and Brooke to go to the park and lunch with us. 
So 3 girls + 2 babies each = BRAVE Exhausting! 

Ms. Brandy with Jace & Nephi

Clairana & Keatyn

Nephi & Jace

Then we decided lets go to Pepes - just a sit down Mexican restaurant with the following:
Keatyn - 3 
Clairana - 3
Jace - 2
Nephi - 20 months
Caswell - 7 months
Jaxen - 3 months


The Little Guys!

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