Height 35.5" (75%)
Weight 26 lb (45%)
Head Cir 50 cm (93%)
BMI 16.29 kg

Nephi is developing right on track and is starting to slim down. The only area that we are watching right now is his speech- he is saying about ten words and at this point he should be about double that and putting two words together. We are going to monitor for a couple months and if nothing changes we will be doing an evaluation at First Steps. This could be from not able to hear properly until we got the tubes just recently or his big sister just talks too much and he doesn't need to. We will see.....
Clairana Colette-
Height 3' 1.75" (65%)
Weight 29 lb 8 oz (15%)
BMI 14.55 kg
Clairana is flying high with her results - she is completely potty trained and has been for about nine months now (YAHOO) which I guess at 3 only 50% of children are fully potty trained. Her communication/speech is a 4 year old level. She is also being the typical 3 year old with imaginary friends and now mood swings. Her height is now leveling off with the rest of her age group instead of the 95% from visits prior.
Both are continuing to be on whole milk due to weight but we are thrilled to report eveyone is doing great!
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