Friday, July 26, 2013

Check Up Time - 3 years & 18 mths

Nephi Joe -

Height 35.5" (75%)
Weight 26 lb (45%)
Head Cir 50 cm (93%)
BMI 16.29 kg

Nephi is developing right on track and is starting to slim down. The only area that we are watching right now is his speech- he is saying about ten words and at this point he should be about double that and putting two words together. We are going to monitor for a couple months and if nothing changes we will be doing an evaluation at First Steps. This could be from not able to hear properly until we got the tubes just recently or his big sister just talks too much and he doesn't need to. We will see.....

Clairana Colette-

Height 3' 1.75" (65%)
Weight 29 lb 8 oz (15%)
BMI 14.55 kg
Clairana is flying high with her results - she is completely potty trained and has been for about nine months now (YAHOO) which I guess at 3 only 50% of children are fully potty trained. Her communication/speech is a 4 year old level. She is also being the typical 3 year old with imaginary friends and now mood swings. Her height is now leveling off with the rest of her age group instead of the 95% from visits prior.

Both are continuing to be on whole milk due to weight but we are thrilled to report eveyone is doing great!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Garden Goodies

Now I took up gardening when we lived in Washington, yeah....gardening is not very successful when you live among several trees and not much direct sunshine. Now, this year Levi decided because we were busy with moving in our new house we would just plant some 'already gone' vegetables we had in the kitchen.... Seriously, our garden has gone crazy! Mr. Evans claims that it is his green thumb....
I claim it is MUCH easier to grow in Indiana. 

She has waiting SO LONG!


Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July

Yeah for Daddy!
Awwh - Spending time with Symone & Tim for the holiday
This is the only picture I could get of his outfit from Pappy & Bubbe (Levi's parents)
Don't mind the random shells he threw all over the dining room.

Friday, July 5, 2013

AZ Wedding - Part 2

Jerome, AZ

Bride & Groom to Be - Morning of the Wedding

Afternoon of the Wedding - Clairana's Accident

FIREMAN! Tyrone (BIL) is applying for a position to be a Firefighter - how awesome is that!

Right Before The Ceremony! EEkkkkk!

Only in Jerome - Random people want to take their picture and dance with the Flower Girl

Family Photo!


SIBLINGS! Spending time together with our siblings makes me want to have more babies.
I cannot imagine life without all of them - mine and Levi's.

Love this one. Sorry boys I can only see the Bride & Nephi Joe in this one....

Evans' Table - All these great people flew in for this big day.




Oh Boy....All Boy

Papaw with Kiddos

What is better than going out to your Papaw & Mamaw's house and getting to feed the fish, swim in the pond, hang out in the woods and a four wheeler ride?!

Jerome, AZ with the kiddos!

This was our first morning in Jerome, AZ during breakfast

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Arizona Part One

Our trip to Arizona was a little crazy but a great time. We got to see our AZ family and our WA family so that part was perfect. We also got to see Levi's side of the family from Oklahoma which I had never met. Ashli and Tyrone had a beautiful wedding that they had put TONS of effort into and you could tell it was perfect.

We left our house around 3:15 in the morning.... don't we look good!?

Don't worry she really is asleep but we had just landed - trust me they were plenty active during flight.

Airplane Ride - Nephi and Daddy
 Marcy (Levi's Aunt) met us at the airport and helped get us our rental car and she brought a car seat so we didn't have to mess with flying with ours. Then we headed to her and Donna's house in Phoenix to recover from the flight. We wanted to let the kids relax before driving almost three hours to our hotel near the wedding in Jerome.

Once we got to Marcy & Donna's house - Kelly, Reni, Jack, Jane and Mikie were all there because they had flown in the night before.
Then we noticed Nephi's ear was leaking infection....I called the doctor because Nephi just got tubes - yep he needed to be seen - ummm well we are on vacation... so we had to run and start a prescription. Lovely. No water for Nephi.

Bubbie and Clairana enjoying the pool

Marcy, Papaw & Mamaw - I never get pictures of Mamaw so I was So excited to get some on our family vacation.

Pappy (Kelly) & Levi

This was that late afternoon - this child was NOT going to take a nap after being up at the crack of dawn.
Don't we look exhausted

Levi, Clairana, Marcy & Mike

This is the new look - eeekkk up up up

Finally! She fell asleep - OUT

Mamaw & Nephi Joe

YEAH!!! Mimi - I was SO excited to see this lady! Clairana ran right up to her and it was definitely a crying event.
This was the rehearsal night.

Dolls from Aunt Marcy - playing in the hotel

MORNING! He loved sleeping with us in bed

Breakfast in Jerome

Breakfast in Jerome

This was before lunch. We had went to Ashli and Tyrone's to drop off some last minute things for the wedding and Clairana lent down to pet Monte and well he decided to kiss her really hard. ER trip four hours before the wedding.

We have one stitch - thankfully but that one stitch was rough because they didn't want to give her anything because we would have to stay for 12 hours and miss the we did the burrito method with five people laying on her. YEP IT WAS PRETTY MISERABLE FOR THIS MAMA. Thankfully, Levi's mom went with me.

Cool Dude in the hotel

My Loves.

New Hat for her Birthday from MiMi & Yogi (Terri & Destry)

2nd Cousins

Naked Water Balloons w Aunt Ashli

Good Look Evans

Trip home....we were stuck in traffic forever!

First Experience

We landed so she got a Birthday Cake Pop at about 6 in the morning I think.

**More to come once I get ahold of Levi's phone.


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...