Thursday, April 25, 2013


Mr. Levi Evans is now the Projects General Manager of Purdue University!
So, I decided to celebrate and throw him a surprise party. It was a huge success.
Thanks to everyone who came out and to mom and Randy for watching the kiddos!

Levi's best friend from grade school - Jed
Friends and Family - Drew & Myia came out to celebrate

Family Table - Tifni & Josh (Levi's sister and husband)
Kelly & Reni (Levi's dad and new wife)
Friends and my family

The Girls - Brandy (due in May) Amanda and Lisa - Love these ladies!
Lisa actually drove a few hours to come!

Elliot & Jed (Levi's good buddies)
Levi's whole crew - Jed, Elliot & Damon

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